Imagine 8 :You before me [Fluff,request]

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Tags: Fluff, San, Thouhful Boyfriend

Requested: Yes 

It was to your greatest horror and surprise that you felt the familiar yet dreaded knot at the lower stomach, a sudden sharp pain following after that causing you to stop in your tracks and take a big deep breath in , before you hastily made your way to the bathroom.

You inspected yourself and just as you had feared, mother nature had decided to make you see red early this month.

You let out a groan, before promptly making your way to your bedroom to get changed.

This little situation had just ruined your plans for the night.

It had been so long since you had the opportunity to go out on a date with your boyfriend. With all the promotions and comeback preparations that had been going on you had barely seen San for over 2 months.

Tonight, was supposed to be your catch-up date, he had managed to clear any evening schedules ,as he wanted to meet with you. The two of you really enjoyed spending time together. Chatting and cuddling up in the warmth was your favourite activity, but there were times when you liked to go on fancy dates and threat yourselves a little

Today was one of those days.

You let out a sigh as you finally draped yourself in an oversized hoodie, wanting all the comfort you could get in your current predicament.

You threw yourself on the bed unceremoniously before texting San that you could no longer make it at the date and explaining that your period had come unexpectedly early.

Sighing for the 4th time in the last 10 minutes you left your phone to the side before rolling yourself so your stomach was lying flat on the sturdy yet soft mattress, the cramps had now started to pick up in intensity and frequency and you did not like that.

Now, a lot of women would have found your dejectedness as a little dramatic.

I mean it was your first day no? All you had to do was deal with it , take some pain medication and go on about your day.

But unfortunately, that wasn't the case for you.

Of all the Y/N in the world, you had to be the one with the weakest body.

You huffed in annoyance.

Your period was normal in its cycle and characteristics sure, but one thing that got you locking yourself into the house for 5 days straight was the damn pain.

It was almost unbearable, you had also gone to the doctors to get it checked out, but they had reassured you that everything was fine, and that some people just had different types of body sensitivity and pain tolerance.

Having said that, you did not enjoy being in public and pretending not to be dying , every time a wave of cramps hit your body.

With a tired sigh you placed yourself under the covers, closing your eyes. You attempted to get some sleep, hoping that by the time you would wake your pain would have settled a little.

Thankfully enough you drifted out pretty easily , however you missed out the little bell tone that had rung, signalling the receipt of a new message.

The next time you woke up was to the smell of something sweet wafting through your apartment.

You slowly stretched your body, rubbing your eyes gently as you chased away the remnants of your sleepiness. Mind still a little fuzzy to comprehend what was going on.

Once you finally were able to open your eyes you paned on the windows. It was dark outside.

It was barely an early afternoon when you decided to stay back and have a nap.

Just how long have you been sleeping for you asked yourself as you blinked repeatedly making sure this was not one of those vivid and weird dreams.

You were still having an internal monologue when you heard a soft yet warm chuckle.

You snapped your head towards the source of the laughter so quickly you almost got whiplashed.

There. Leaning on your doorway was none other than Choi San, your lovely boyfriend.

You let out a very audible gasp causing him to cackle a little at your priceless reaction and your current face.

He jokingly said "-Hello Y/ N it's nice to see you again.

You were still trying to process everything when he came closer to you, placing a tray gently in your bed as he also climbed in carefully, draping his strong arms around you.

Almost instinctively your body went lax, like pudding as you inhale and his sweet scent.

San caught the way you contentedly sigh causing him to smile in your hair as he placed a soft kiss in the crown of your head before nuzzling into your neck, giving you a proper greeting.

"- Hi Love" he whispered in such an intimate way that caused you to have tingles all over your body.

You hummed in satisfactions, your cheeks tinting with a blush before a sudden wave of cramping hit you, causing you to tighten your grip around San as you let out a distressed groan.

San frowned ; he did not like to see you in pain.

He rubbed your tummy in an attempt to ease your pain before remembering that he had brought over some things for you.

"-Ah I brought you something" he said before bringing the tray he had carefully placed at the end of your bed closer.

To be honest you did not want him to stop with his ministrations, but you curiously perked up, looking at the contents of the tray.

"-I wasn't sure what you'd crave for... but I took a guess"

The tray was full of different kinds of chocolates, different flavoured mini cakes and some sweet pastries, he had also made you some hot sweet tea.

What really got you was that along with your potential craving he had also placed a pack of painkiller and a glass of water.

The fact that he had remembered about your sweet craving and decided to get them for you, despite you having cancelled your date on was so sweet and touching.

You imagined him toddling around from shop to shop searching for your favourite.

Too overwhelmed with emotion you threw yourself at him hugging the air out of him, while simultaneously giving him a heart attack as he maneuvered himself in way where he'd be able to steady the tray, so the ck tents would not spill and make a mess and at the same time hold you close.

Words could not express just how grateful you were to have such an understanding and kind soul by yourself, and the fact that you could call him yours.

You thought that you must have saved a lot of people in your past life to be able to be rewarded with such a sweetheart like San

"-I'm so lucky to have you " you mumbled your face still plastered on his face

San smiled sweetly and placed one gentler kiss on your head before replying

"-And I am luckier to have you"

~The end 


Thanks to MelodyYinlin for requesting. I hope you liked it and was able to deliver your expectation.

If anyone else, wants to request a scenario/imagine, feel free to do so!

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