Imagine 5: Play with me won't you pt5 [SMUT WARNING]

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Tags: Poly au, ensemble x reader,Yeosang x reader x Jongho

Warming: Smut 

A smack was resonated around the room as you let your hand collide with San's head, the boy in question let out a screech before dramatically exclaiming

"-What was that for?!"

You huffed rolling your eyes "-Really ,this is your plan? I thought you were going to help me !" You said exasperated letting yourself fall into the duvet and making Seonghwa who had been quietly reading a book on the bed jumped a little with the force with which you threw yourself.

San's eyes widened as he flayed his hands in the air before stating

"-I am trying'"

"-Not hard enough," you replied, clicking your tongue.

San faked a cry once again before dramatically tossing himself on top of Seonghwa causing the older to lose his book in the process and making all of you bounce up at the impact.

Seonghwa glared at San before scooting away attempting to recover his precious book

Once he got hold of it, he let out a happy sound before placing back his bookmark on the page where he had been reading before the rude interruption.

"- Hyung~!" he heard San whine for the 10th tie now.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes exasperated before muttering

"locking herself in a basement with them is not the smartest idea" said Seonghwa "- especially given how they all hate bugs. And not to mention how clumsy they are they'll just end up losing the key and getting stuck with no one to rescue them " he then continued

You shivered at the mention of bugs, you imagined being stuck in a dark basement with lots of creepy insects and spiders .

'Oh God ' You sent another glare towards San making him freeze for a second before he started whining again at the unfairness of it all. He was just trying to help anyway

Seonghwa was actually done with your disturbances so he decided to end your misery by giving you an actual useful suggestion

"-Why don't you rile them, make them jealous, make them want to show you just who you belong tow he said nonchalantly

You stopped your non-so-threatful glare towards San and tilted your held in thought

"-That's actually a good idea but....they're not jealous of any of you. They know our dynamics" You said thinking back at the day they had confessed to you.

All 8 of them had agreed to sharing you, their bond was so strong and unrivalled that they never felt any malice towards each other when seeing you together with another member.

Instead they smiled sweetly and cooed at your interactions.

Seonghwa shrugged. "- I did not say you had to make them jealous through any of us"

At that San froze his stance going rigid as his eyes slightly darkened

"- I do not want to share her with anyone else but our members " he said sternly

Seonghwa rolled his again for the many times was it now?

Anyway, he calmly continued, unfazed by the overprotective nature of the younger man

"- You don't actually have to meet other people to rile them up, you know how they are you could just say the wrong name and you'd trigger their possessive sides "

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