Imagine 9: The missing puzzle [minor angst/Fluff]

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This was not his day.
Mingi's hand collided with the sturdy surface of his desk as he yelled at his employees to get out of his face.
His whole-body jolting with the guttural and feral growl that was emitted from his body.

It didn't take a genius to realize that the boss, Mingi was not in a mood to deal with them and the other departments problem.

So, they scurried off, particularly once they caught whiff of the man's angry pheromones.

A few of the omega's legs gave out at the suddenness and the intensity with which they were hit.

Mingi rolled his eyes before letting his long self-collapse on the comfort of his chair.
Hands automatically raising up to massage his temples as he sighed.

He had so much to do and so little time. To make it worse one of their sponsor and shareholder companies was suggesting major changes in the way they were running things in the office and not only it would impact the productivity of the team, but it would mean that they would have to re-budget and redistribute the company's fund not to talk about the cuts....

His employees were too faithful for him to just get rid of them like that, it was just all too much.

Mingi was still prodding when an amused voice in the corner of the room 'tsk ed' making him deepen his frown as he glared in that direction.

Yunho his best friend and his dear second in command in the company was laying in his leather coach, looking unbothered as ever as he sucked on a lollipop.

Ah by the way he was a beta.
That could probably explain how he could stand being in the same room as Mingi's murderous aura.

"Could you not?" Said Mingi irritated withe the other's suckling noises

The other just sent a wave of calming pheromones in the room as a reply which unlike the wanted effect just caused Mingi to roll his eyes and scrunch his nose in disgust.

-"you stink" said Mingi matter of fact

"-and you should go home" said Yunho still unbothered
"-seriously though " he continued
"-you should go home, have a rest. You're stressing yourself too much"
Mingi did not reply, knowing it would just start an argument which he did not have the energy to finish.

So, he ignored his best friend in favour of diving himself in the pile of abandoned files on his desk, trying to sort them out.

He just had too many responsibilities for him to just take a break and relax.

By the time he got through all the files it was already half past midnight.
He tiredly made his way back home, his eyes dangerously threatening to close even as he drove home.

He just wanted to lay and sleep.
All the tension and frustration from the day was still hitting him at full force, he just wanted to sleep it out of the system.

Ehen he finally reached his luxurious penthouse apartment he aimed to make a direct bee line for the bedroom, getting startled when a figure approached from the dark living room.

Mingi froze his eyes squinting in the barely lit common room as he took in the full figure of the man in front of him.

It wasn't until the man came into the focus of the moonlight and a set of welcoming pheromones were released in the air that he realized he was just staring at his mate.

His mate, his omega, his Seonghwa was staring at him sleepily.
He had his pjs on and a little giraffe plush that Mingi had gifted him during valentine days in his arm.

Mingi realized that he had been waiting for him to comeback, now that he taught about it, he could still sniff out the lingering scent of what would have seemed to be the dinner which his ate had prepared for him.

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