Imagine 4: "Play with me won't you?" [light smut] pt1

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Warnings: Suggestive behaviour and actions

Tags: Ot8 x Reader, poly au, frustration, teasing

Note: this is all fictional please don't take offense

It wasn't that you were needy per se.

You did not crave for attention like that.

Instead you took pride in being the smart, independent woman that you were

But having acquired 8 boyfriends at once... (which if I may say: you must have saved the country in your past life!!)

did change things a little bit .

Especially given that the 8 men which you were lucky enough to call yours were one of the most gorgeous men you have had the chance to lay your eyes on.

It made no sense to deny your sudden hormonal spur and refrain from touching and having what was your rightfully yours.

Right now, you were straddling San,your hands waving through his hairs as you explored his mouth with such ferocity and eagerness which had caused the boy beneath you to go lightheaded.

Unfortunately for you , you were still human, and if there's one thing that humans required for survival was air.

You did not want to stop nor tear yourself from the other boy, but your lungs were now aching, the gentle fire which had previously been building in the middle of your legs now having shifted to your lungs, but instead of it being deliciously pleasuring. It was instead painful and tiresome.

Fortunately for you the boy beneath you made the decision to detach himself from your grasp, causing you to gasp for air as soon as his lips disconnected from yours.

You still whined though trying to get back to the close vicinity you previously were in.

San giggled at your neediness, he found it endearing and absolutely cute.

He moved from your lips to your neck where he sucked and bit gently causing you to moan as he kneaded your breast in the process.

You liked the teasing and all but were impatient.

You suddenly moved his hands away from your body causing him to stop all of his ministrations. He looked at you a bit puzzled but understanding if you were not feeling it anymore, he would understand. After All he cared about you genuinely, he prioritized you comfort and happiness more than any other thing.

So, when you suddenly fumbled for his zipper he gasped in surprise, especially seeing the little frown on your face as you concentrated on the task at hand.

The swiftness and speed with which you had left him clothless had surprised as well with the eagerness with which you had begun grinding on his clothed member.

San bit his lips, he really wanted to continue but he wanted to make sure you were really ok.

It's not like that would be your first time together or your first time at all.

Having 8 boyfriends meant that you had experienced and experimented with a lot of things, or at least that's what he thought.

San gently hugged, softly guiding your head in the crook of his neck as one of his hands went to caress your back, completely changing the hot and feisty mood of earlier into one of soothing and calmness.

"-What's going on?" he asked lightly

"-What's got you so riled up princess?"

You huffed in annoyance but that lasted only a few seconds as you reverted to whining, out your worries and displeasure

"-Yeosang and Jongho won't touch me " you said, groaning as you thought about the two of your boyfriends

San blinked, confusion clearly etched on his face and his tone as he repeated

"-Yeosang and Jongho...don't... touch you..." As he finished his sentence you made another noise of disapproval before letting out a fake cry . Your sexual frustration was something you did not want to deal with, but it was at this stage pretty important to you go to last base with all of your boyfriends, after all you liked them all equally and you were serious about your polygamous relationship no matter what anyone outside you and your boyfriends little cycle said.

You released a tired sigh as you went back to speak in all seriousness

"I have basically made love to all of you except them two. I have tried making the first move, I have tried seducing them and all but instead... they seem to be avoiding me instead, sometimes...sometimes I wonder if they even liked me in the first place." You said your voice swelling up with emotion and breaking a little as you finished your sentenced

San immediately rocked you, whispering sweet nothings at you as he tried his best to soothe you, he did not like to see you cry. He disliked it even more when it was one of them who caused that.

San was now stroking your hair ever so gently, like you were a piece of glass that could shatter any moment now ,that little action made you feel safe, made you feel special, well taken care of even if it was quite a trivial action.

San thought it over in his head, your words had come to him like a shock but the more he pondered on it...

It made sense, he knew the members really well, they were as close to each other as other biological siblings would. He also knew that compared to others Yeosang and Jongho had quite difficulty in expressing their emotions no matter how tearful ,tragic or happy things were.

San made another sound ,with the back of his throat, a sign that he had acknowledged the whole situation.

"_Why don't you try talking to them once more " he asked comfortingly

You shook our head frantically

"-I have tried already and it's kind of embarrassing I can't just go and be like 'Hey you I really want to suck your dick so let me do it' " you said exasperated but still clinging to San's body frame

"It's filthy!" you complained a lot#

wan just chuckled before adding "-I think it's hot"

You raised your head just to glare at him mundanely but without any real trace of anger or maliciousness

San laughed aloud

"-It's ok my little cherry. I will help you" he said before giving you one of the best grin ever seen

"-Really?" you asked voice excited at the thought of finally belonging to the two others

"Really" he said before quietly exclaimed on your left ear "-You will soon have them at your feet"

you gasped "-wrecking, tasting you, making a beautiful mess out of you"

You closed your eyes

"-Now sweetheart, why don't we continue where we left off"

When you opened your eyes again , the look on his eyes made your heart skip as a heat flooded your body , making you squirmish and sensitive

looking at the look of pure lust and adoration in San's eyes made your arms eyes quiver

And once he pounced on you, you knew.

You were in for a long night


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