Imagine 13: Secret crush on you [Seonghwa X Chaotic cuteness]

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Wooyoung rolled his eyes at him for the 90th time.

It was annoying, really annoying and that was coming from him, one of the most hyperactive members of the group. He just could not understand what was wrong with his hyung.

Seonghwa had been pacing around the living room for the past half an hour.

Half an hour! That's 30 whole minutes! He had already dolled up and changed his outfit.

He had also already cleaned the whole dorm...TWICE! All of the decorations were up already plus he had prepared all of Y/N's favourite snacks. And reiterated to  Wooyoung that he had to disappear the moment Y/N arrived.

Everything was basically in control so why the hell was he freaking out?!

Wooyoung sighed exasperated, before deciding to help his hyung out.

"-Seonghwa hyung you need to stop pacing around I'm getting a headache you already did everything that you could,  just chill you'll be fine."

Upon hearing his words, Seonghwa stopped pacing and nervously looked at Wooyoung

"-ha-ha I'm just  really nervous, you know we've been friends for so long...I'm really worried what if she says no once I confess to her?"

Wooyoung couldn't help but roll his eyes, the two had been pining for each other for like the past year and he didn't understand why they were both dancing around the subject of them actually  wanting to get to know each other in a different level and  them dating. Wooyoung had always found them cringe; especially  whenever  Y/N or Seonghwa sneaked peeks at each other and giggled at each other's with lame jokes.

 like please....BFFR!

Wooyoung decided to be nice and told him

"-just chill together as always and when the moment feels right, just ask her. I'm pretty sure she'll be delighted"

 Woo looked at the clock on the wall and gauged that she should be coming in at any minute so he decided to leave wanting  to give them some space. It's not like he was supposed to be there anyway, he had come earlier because SOMEONE couldn't stop ranting about how nervous he was on the phone. 

The rest of the members had gone out for the day.

 Wooyoung too had plans, he was going around Seoul to find the limited edition video game that his little bro Kyungmin had begged him to get him. So, he was actually looking forward to dipping out as soon as possible as he only had the rest of today to get the video game sorted out, the world tour was gonna start soon and Kyungmin's birthday was actually next week.

Just as he was thinking all of this, the bell rang, signalling that Y/N had just arrived.

Wooyoung took it as his chance to go, it's not like he was supposed to be here anyway.

 He looked at Seonghwa, patted him on the back and said "-good luck buddy" before sprinting out the door as he knew that his hyung was prone to panicking and could have taken him back to being  hostage if he didn't get out as soon as possible. 

Just as he was leaving and going down the stairs of the apartment he saw Y/N coming up the stairs. He smiled at her and gave her an acknowledging nod. He was kinda looking forward to her joining their little Ateez family.

In a way he really liked the way Seonghwa's eyes sparkled with joy, every time he was with her. He  was in the middle of that thought when realised that he had stopped walking  down and he was smiling to himself. He really cared about his fellow members' happiness, just as he was entertaining that though, he heard Y/N's  bright voice greeting Seonghwa.

 He could make out Seonghwa returning her greeting, enthusiastically albeit a bit nervously.

Tell him why all of a sudden he heard his hyung blurt out '- Y/N I have a confession! I really like you! And I've liked you ever since the first moment I laid my eyes on you and....... this is awkward! haha I'm  actually really scared but please .....will you give me the  honour of going out with me?"

Wooyoung was horrified!

What bout the decorations?! 

 what about the dinner?!

 what about all of the cleaning and preparation to make the dorm appropriate and have the perfect feel before the confession!

 Normally his hyung would have rented out a place or something but with how busy their schedule was and how much more the recognitions they were getting these days, it wasn't right for any of them to show up at a public place with a girl. 

Not just because of their reputation but because they didn't want Y/N to get attacked by the Knetz or by  some of their own fans.

That's why  when Seonghwa had ended up kicking everyone out of the dorm, he hadn't minded at all , as he knew he just wanted the moment to be perfect.

'So how in the hell did he end up ruining it like that?!' Wooyoung was beyond  flabbergasted and then a little scared because he didn't know how the confession would  be perceived .

 He contemplated bolting  back upstairs to try and help but realistically, what could he do at this point ?'

Plus he wasn't the one trying to date Y/N

To his greatest joy and surprise, he heard Y/N giggle and say "- of course silly, I'd love to go out with you but can you please let me inside? The neighbours might hear us" she said

Wooyoung  could tell she was smiling as he spoke , and that gave him great  relief.

Seonghwa too felt relieved. He had never imagined himself being so nervous and into a state of mess where he didn't follow his pre-planned course of action.

Regardless, he felt really happy and was looking forward to planning a proper date with her. Hopefully this time he'd s stick to the plans.

Seonghwa had just  let Y/N in and offered her  a seat when he heard his phone blow up. He quickly glanced at it to see that the incoming notifications had been from the group chat, and that the top  message had been specifically left by Wooyoung.

'Oh shit' he tought to himself

lo and behold, that little pest had just told the rest of the members what had just transpired.

The message read:

'Seonghwa just confessed to Y/N in the middle of the staircase! No hi, no nothing! He Literally has 0 RIZZ! He sucks!'

Of course, the other members had swiftly flooded in their replies, some were congratulations some were obvious LOLs at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Seonghwa sighed before looking up at Y/N

'I'm so lucky" he thought to himself before silencing and pocketing his cell phone into his jeans.

He would deal with the members poking fun at him later...

but for  now, all he had to do is focus on the one who made his heart beat the most...........



Aaaaaaaand cut!

Hi guys! It's been a while, I hope you guys are doing lovelyx

this eight here is a little feeler chapter, nothing too crazy nor too cute. I'm hoping to write more scenarios in the upcoming weeks. I'm also excited for ATEEZ's comeback this May!

 I am really looking forward to seeing them on tour. Is anyone else planning on going?

Anyway, I'll try and write more scenarios for you guys, if you have more suggestions on the type of content and the structure you guys prefer just let me know. 

I will see you all on the next one! Bye loves  xx

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