Imagine 7 : Pay attention to me ![Fluff overload ]

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Tags: Yeosang x Reader, fluff overload, needy Yeosang 

It wasn't every day that Yeosang actually got a full day off from, having had a recent comeback and having an overload of activities and schedules meant that he could no longer see you as often as he craved.

For Yeosang not being able to see, cuddle and kiss you was the worst, you were his sunshine, his muse, his most precious jewel and pretty much the reason why he worked so hard at what he did.

He had long ago pictured a future with you and a permanent one at that.

It was a no brainer for him that his first destination after their long awaited break was your home, but what got him flabbergasted and all pouty was finding you attached to your laptop screen giggling and blushing as one of the latest rookie groups performed at popular music show "Show Bank"

He normally wouldn't have minded, being an idol himself he knew just how affectionate fans were and how supporting they could be through music video streaming, voting apps, merchandise and album buying.

It was a meaningful gesture and he'd be forever grateful to his fans Atiny for their love but the fact that you might be thinking of another group's member so affectionately irked him the wrong way.

Maybe it was the fact that you had just made a noise of acknowledgement when he came in , without giving him the routine hugs and kisses .

Or the fact that even when he draped himself over you hugging your body and leaving sloppy kisses all over your neck you just moved making sure that your laptop was still on full sight.

Maybe it was the fact that he had actually seen the boys you were fangirling over ,a number of times during his recent comeback and he could admit that they were all handsome, youthful and full of that rookie -like energy... but Yeosang was sick of it.

Sulking he stomped his feet in a childlike manner before he closed your laptop in a swift yet accurate motion, effectively cutting off the rookie groups cheerful voices as you sang along , fan chant on toe.

You blinked a couple of times surprised and mildly horrified at the fact that your livestream had been interrupted.

Turning to face him you were about to scold your boyfriend when you noticed his state.

Yeosang hand his arms folded, his cheeks were red and puffed whilst his lips pulled into a pout as his forehead crinkled into a frown.

His hair had been tied into a cute little man bun, his hair now longer because of their recent promotions .To top it off he wore an oversized sandy brown sweater with an equally soft pair of brown jogger pants.

The sight in front of view was so adorable, he looked so soft and little. You almost wanted to put him in your pocket and keep him there forever, away from prying eyes.

"-Aww yeo-yeo you look so cute today" you said cooing, completely forgetting about the other idol group

Yeosang huffed, turning his head aside, slightly embarrassed at the compliment given how sudden and random it had been but still outraged at your lack of attention towards him.

Seeing him blush further, you stood up embracing him as you snuggled your face into the care of his neck, his natural earthy scent bringing you comfort and familiarity.

Yeosang did not hesitate to accept you in his arms finally content with having your affection but he still did not hesitate to let a side comment slides, his voice grumpy as he was still slightly salty about the whole ordeal

"-Oh, so now you remember to hug me, I thought you were just going to fangirl over doe hobaes all day long...."

having heard him , you adjusted yourself so you could make eye contact with him, you stared at him long and hard, making shift in nervousness under your gaze before you burst out giggling as you pinched his face

"-AWW Sangie you're so cute, what am I going to do with you" you said staring lovingly at him

Yeosang was confused , did all that fangirling get to your head. What on earth were you on about

You softly pecked him on lips , noticing how he had followed after it even as you created space between you

"-you were jealous, weren't you?"

Yeosang made a strangled noise at your straightforwardness, something you had picked up by being in a relationship with him

"-I..I was not" he denied weakly, slightly embarrassed at being caught in a fit of childish jealousy

You giggled once more

before bopping your nose together and placing more feather kisses all over his face

"-It's okay" smooch

"-You're so cute" smooch

"-when you're jealous" smooch

at this point Yeosang had gone burgundy, his cheeks flaring up with your adoring antics, he made to hide his face in the palm of his hands when you stopped him

"- Guess what ?" you asked him

Yeosang gulped down in attempt to find composure before he replied in a stuttering mess


"-My favourite idol and the person I love the most in this whole wide world is Kang Yeosang from Ateez !" you said cheerfully

Yeosang made a noise of embarrassment as he hid his face at your chest, now shy with your words but yet happy with the profession of love.

he had found it really difficult to mask the big happy grin that was now plastered on his face

"-Baby ?" he asked from the safety of your arms

"Hmm ?" you replied petting his soft lock

"-Always pay attention to me ok?"

You smiled at his little reminder , finding your heart make a little somersault with just how cute your boyfriend was

"Always" you replied leaving one more peck on the crown of his head as you smiled to yourself

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