Amongsies (2)

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I feel a wash of relieve as a bright blue CREWMATE flashes across my screen. Rae already explained how proximity chat works, so I'm sure not to say anything about what I am, since others can hear me. Some were still laughing at the sound I made in the lobby, and I just tried my best to ignore that and focus on the game. We had decided to start on Polus, since everyone wanted to, and I had previously learned the map anyway. As I leave dropship, on my way to Office to do my card swipe, Rae decides to walk with me, to make sure I was okay.

"Hey girl, how ya doing?" She speaks as we walk down past the entrance to lab. 

I shrug and reply in a slightly shaky voice. "Rae, I just embarrassed the hell outta myself." I feel like I'm on the verge of tears, but I manage to keep them in.

"Hey, it's okay." Her comforting voice replies from her little red character. "Come here real quick.." She rushes off towards Admin, and even though I feel like she's about to murder me, I go with her as she steps over the vent. I watch in shock as she hops in and out a few times.

Rae explains her plan, "Okay, so I'll protect you, as long as you don't rat me out. I figured I could make your first game a bit easier, so you can get used to it." I liked the little idea she had, and decided to go with it. She wouldn't tell me who the other impostor was, just in case. 

We walked together as I did tasks. While I did wires in Electrical, she vented to O2 to kill and vented back in an instant. I told her where my next task was, and she followed me to weapons. As I did asteroids, she whispered in my ear, "I'll be right back," and her character ran off.

I continue to innocently shoot rocks as a body is reported, and I Rae cursing as Toast explains what happened. "Rae, how come I walk out of Comms and see you slice Bretman in half?" Clearly he had seen the kill, and things weren't looking good for my best friend.

"Not gonna lie, I've been pretty sus of Rae AND Raven, since they've been together.." The deep voice sends shivers down my spine. Corpse was sus of me, since I was with Rae.

"I'm going to be honest, I was with Rae for pretty much the whole game." I defend, "But I haven't seen her kill, and I thought she was innocent."

Everyone seemed to be sus of me, but they voted out Rae, since Toast witnessed the kill. This was a small problem, since I just lost my Among Us buddy. I decide to go to specimen room, but as soon as I walk down to Admin, lights are sabotaged. I ignore them and move on to do my tasks. As I exit Decontamination, The lights go back to 100%, and I walk up to download data.

As I'm waiting, someone silently walks up behind me and says, "Boo!"

I scream as the download finishes and I realize that Corpse's character is next to mine, and he's laughing his ass off. I protest, "Corpse you scared the shit outta me!" I can hear him banging on his desk, still laughing. "You're a dick, you know that?" I slightly laugh along with him.

After he calms down, he replies, "So I've been told." I move on to start the reactor and he's still hanging out. 

I almost whisper my next words, "Are you going to kill me?" At this, he chuckles softly, sending a shiver down my spine, but nobody has to know that. I continue, "I'm only 21. I have a life to live."

"Nah, I won't kill you." He assures me. "Trust me, Raven. I'm innocent." I felt like I really could trust him on this. 

As I finish my task, he starts to walk away, but I call out to him. "Corpse?" I say, as he turns back to me, giving his attention. "Don't tell anyone this, but my name isn't actually Raven." Obviously I wasn't being serious about the secret keeping, due to being live.

"Don't tell anyone this.." He starts to run away, "but i'm not innocent." I follow him up towards decontamination.

We pass a very surprised JackSepticEye, who screams, "What?!" before Corpse slices his body and runs off. Of course, I follow, not wanting to be blamed for the kill, but also wanting to continue the conversation with the deep voiced man.

"I knew Rae was an impostor, by the way." I tell him as we exit lab and head for O2. "She told me, so my first game would be easier" I giggled. I found it fun being the so-called Third Impostor, It kept things fun.

"That bitch." He said very sarcastically.

I raised my voice slightly as we sat by the tree in O2. "Listen up, fucker." I start. He gasps a little as I continue, "If you say anything about my best friend again, I will have no choice but to personally kick your ass, you hear me?"

He just looked at me, before speaking up. "What was that you were going to do?" Little did anyone know, there was a devilish smile plastered across his face as he said this line.

I sternly repeated myself. "I said I was going to-" before I could finish, Corpse snapped my neck and vented away. I heard Bretman and Rae laughing, and I giggled lightly. "I maaayyy have asked for that one."

"Bitch, You're the only one I know that would dare talk to Corpse like that." Bretman spoke in his iconic voice, "Raven the bad bitch"

Rae laughed, "The way you stuck up for me had me in TEARS. I wish I could've seen Corpse's face when you said that!" 

She continued to giggle as I asked a confirmation question, "He's faceless too, right?" before she can answer I continue, "My chat is screaming at me right now for not knowing Corpse."

Rae spoke up, "Don't listen to them. Some people are just toxic." She paused before actually answering my question, "But you're right, he doesn't show his face."

Suddenly the game concluded. Corpse and Rae had won the game, due to Corpse's impeccable impostor skills. Throughout the room, I could hear people complaining about the outcome, while Rae and Corpse celebrated. 

After a few more crewmate rounds on Polus, as we sat in the lobby, Corpse ran up to Rae and I. "Mira." was all he said before he ran away giggling. I couldn't help but smile at Corpse as Rae decided to switch maps.

After everyone settled into the new lobby, many people declared that this would be their last game, Corpse being one of them. I decided that I would also leave after this round. I sat in anticipation as Rae started up the game, and red letters flashed on my screen. IMPOSTOR. My first ever impostor game, and of all people to be impostor with, I got Corpse. This game seemed like it was going to go well.

I start by running up to reactor. Poki was starting the reactor. A long task. I quickly kill her and vent to Admin, faking the card code task as I wait for my cooldown. 

Seconds later, Felix walks in to do his tasks. "Whassup." He greets me as he starts to type in the code from his card.

"Oh, You know.. stuff." Corpse walks in and I greet him, "Oh hey Corpse!" I find myself smiling again, and little did I know, Corpse was doing the same.

"Hey-" he started as I sliced Felix right in front of him. I watched as he frantically rushd to kill an approaching Karl as Rae walked up as well. Corpse just got caught.

After a lot of pleading from many sides, unfortunately Corpse was voted off, and that meant I had to carry our team. As I go around killing, I remember what Rae had told me about being impostor. Venting is the key to a good impostor, and as long as you were convincing, you could get away with it. Luckily, i managed to kill all but Toast without a body being found. "Nice!" I shouted as the ending screen came up with a victory. I could hear how proud Corpse was, and it made me smile. I should definitely play this game more often.


I think I'm going to do at least part of the next chapter in Corpse's POV, because this is where he gains interest in Raven (Or Livi). I want to describe his feelings. ALSO I'm sorry if my chapters seem long, and pretty pointless, but a good story take time to lead up to the juicy Parts. XOXO

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