Crashing the Party (7)

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"Why are you so tense? Did something happen?" Rae asks. It wasn't something that happened, it was something that was about to happen. I felt a mix of fear and excitement. Maybe this would be fun. "I know what we should do! Let's take pics for Insta!" my best friend shouts, causing me to laugh at her. Maybe a photoshoot would be fun, but not with me in any pics.

 Maybe a photoshoot would be fun, but not with me in any pics

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red.raven tagged valkyrae in a post

red.raven Photoshoot with my beautiful best friendd📷📸

Liked by valkyrae, pokimanelol, corpse_husband and 5,673 others

shaquille_oatmeal.421: My gay @$$ in the comments 👁️👄👁️

Hater 1: shaquille_oatmeal.421 ew 

User 1: Wait Rae knows what she looks like? Probably her name too? omg!

Hater 2: I love Rae, but Raven is so annoying. Why tf are they friends?

User 2: Imagine a sleepover with Rae and Raven💕

Hater 3: Just show your face already, b!tch

corpse_husband: Hater 3 Last I checked that's her choice, not yours

valkyrae: This was so fun!

red.raven: valkyrae oh it's about to get even better. (corpse_husband liked)

see more comments (1,293)

After the shoot, Rae and I decide to watch a movie. Drop Dead Fred. A classic favorite of ours. A girl named Elizabeth had an imaginary friend named Fred when she was younger, and she grows up and meets him again. Fred decides he has to help her get back with her cheating ex, but who the fuck wants that? I don't know, but the movie is amazing!

As one of our favorite parts comes up, Rae and I speak in unison, "It's the mega bitch!" We collapse off of the couch and onto the floor in laughter.

Rae looks at me, "It's amazing how we still watch this movie, just like when we were... what, 13?" she laughs again and I nod at her. We had been friends for a long time. "You know, I thought Corpse was going to facetime me, but it's already 9:30." she brings up.

I shrug in response. "I'm sure he'll call." I reply as we hear a knock at the door. Immediately my face goes red as I get up to get the door.

"Who is it?" She asks as she pauses the tv and looks at me with curious eyes as I'm almost to the door.

I take a deep breath. "Just... someone." I could immediately tell that she felt like I was keeping something from her, but she put those feelings aside, and awaited the opening of my front door. I turn the knob, pull the door, and I'm greeted by a familiar face. "You motherfucker." I say. Corpse only smiles at me as I invite him into my home.

Immediately, Rae seems confused. "Uh.. hi?" she replies, unaware of the identity of the guest in my apartment.

He smiles again and speaks for the first time since he's arrived. "Rachell!" The look on her face shows astonishment, unbelievability, and complete confusion.

"Corpse?!" she rushes up to give him a hug. He seems uncomfortable, but hugs her back anyway. "Oh my god!" she looks over at me with wide eyes before turning back into Corse's friendly hug.

Corpse turns to me with the devil's smile, "Do I get a hug from you, too?" he raises one eyebrow. 

Even though he's sexy, I remain calm. "You get cologne from me." I remind him as I had him the plastic store bag.

He opens it to retrieve the bottle and places the bag on my kitchen island. I watch as he sprays some on his wrist and takes a whiff, widening his eyes. "Damn Liv you do have good taste." I blush as we all laugh, and I decide to pull Corpse into a hug. I can faintly smell his new cologne, and the feeling of his arms around me sent a shiver down my spine. When we pull away, I really don't want to. 

After the embrace, I turn to see Rae with her arms crossed, and a joking frown. "You have some explaining to do, missy." she says sterly.

I sigh, and motion for everyone to sit on the couch.


I tell Rae everything. How Corpse and I started texting, calling, and how we met that day. Corpse also chimed in, helping describe the situation. I also explained the video I had posted.

"Wait Corpse.. you didn't actually watch the video yet?" I ask the man sitting to the right of me, with Rae to my left. When he shakes his head, I pull up youtube on my phone.

Smiling along the way, I skip to the part where I had just exited the building, and my voice is played from the video. "So on the topic of daily tea, I just saw this guy in my apartment building, and I won't lie, he was GORGEOUS." By the end of this line, Corpse is laughing and Rae is amused by his reaction, as am I.

"Sorry, I had to leave it in." I giggle with embarrassment.

Corpse smirks at me as we continue on with the night. We watch movies and play games, acting crazy like we would over discord. Rae turns the night around with a simple question. "Who's up for some truth or dare?"


SORRYYYY this chapter is so short but I needed a good cliffhanger spot! hope you enjoy the story so far! (Don't worry, THE ROMANCE IS COMING)

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