Walk With Me (5)

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"Good morning everyone! Welcome back to another one of my infamous walk vlogs!" I announce to the device held in my left hand, aimed at my feet as I stand in my living room. Something my viewers know me for is taking walks while recording with my phone, giving them more insight on my life. I like to talk about who I am, and what I like to do. Not only is it good content that I can edit later, but it's also great exercise, and a wonderful reason to get out of my apartment. As a faceless youtuber, people assume that I'm scared to go out, in fear of being noticed, or found out. The truth is that I don't believe that anyone could track me down from the internet to real life. It seems almost impossible. When I'm meeting friends in person, they make sure to call me by my real name, since nobody else knows it, and the opposite way around when I sit in front of the screen.

I film as I put on my basic black sneakers and unlock my door, being sure to avoid any mirrors, though I could cut it out anyway. It's not like i'm live streaming. I also make sure to show nothing but my lower legs and hands. I never want my viewers to know what my body looks like, since I'm so insecure about it. Even though Rae says I have a perfect shape, it's hard to believe her when I'm naturally so down on myself.

As much as I try to push it to the back of my mind, I can't help but think about Corpse. How he helped me a couple weeks ago when I broke down, and how we text so often. More and more people ask us to play more and more games together, #Craven is trending on twitter, and the amount of fanart of us is... and I quote... astronomical.

I'm careful not to talk as I exit my apartment and head down the stairs. I don't know my 1st and 2nd floor neighbors, but I don't want to disturb them, in case they're busy with anything. I rush down the first flight of stairs, leading me to the second floor. One more flight, and fresh air will dawn upon my lungs!


I finally decide to get out of my bed after getting, at most, an hour of sleep. It's so hard to relax when the only thing on your mind is a certain someone. I don't even know what this girl looks like, and she's all I can think about. As much as it confuses me, I slowly get to understand how most people view me. The same things I ask myself about her, they ask about me. I had always thought that I knew how my viewers felt when they couldn't know what I look like, but looking back, I really had no fucking idea.

I sit up, scrolling through my favorite place, Twitter.com, when my stomach suddenly growls. As much as I don't want to,  have to eat something, especially If I plan to stream later on.

I open up my fridge, nothing I can eat. I open my cabinet, Out of everything here. Finally, I open the pantry, God, I've been so ignorant. I have no food in my apartment. 

I hate going out. I absolutely hate it. Mostly in fear that my voice will get me called out, exposed. I walk to my bedroom once more to grab my wallet off of my bureau, passing my mirror along the way. Still wearing the same hoodie and jeans from yesterday, I decide it doesn't matter. I snag my wallet and glance inside, sneaking a peak of the picture I took of Sykkuno in phasmophobia. I said I would put it in there. Not a bone in my body was kidding.

I put on both my mask and eyepatch, ensuring more privacy, and after grabbing my keys off of the hook by my door, I step out of my apartment and into the dim lit hall of the first floor. Living at the bottom of the building has its advantages. I can easily leave and go straight to my car without walking far, I don't have to worry about passing my upstairs neighbors' doors, and when I make music, it tends to bother them less, at least since my third floor neighbor, whoever they are, can't hear me.

I hear humming and look up as a girl steps down the last step of the stairs. She has straight shoulder-length ash brown hair that flows as she hops off the final stair. Her basic grey tee and black sweatpants show that she could simply be going out for a morning jog, but she seems to be looking down at her cell phone, still humming a tune. She takes a few more steps as she notices me, and I get a glimpse of her shimmering blue eyes. Though I stand from a good distance, I can see her freckles, spotted across her cheeks and nose, and she seems to have a natural blush, that reddens as she turns away from me and walks out the door to the apartment complex. Why did the energy she radiated feel slightly.. familiar?


I rush out the door only to sit on the bench just outside of the building. Was that guy checking me out? If I'd assumed correctly, he was the man who lives on the first floor. Did he recognise me? No way.. but I feel like I recognise him. I let out a sigh. As much as I'd like to live in my thoughts, I had content to create.

As I begin my walk down the streets of San Diego, I decide on something that will give my video the little nudge that it needs. "So on the topic of daily tea, I just saw this guy in my apartment building, and I won't lie, he was GORGEOUS." I giggle as I continue my morning exercise.

I finally get home after about an hour of walking. I decide on a cool way to end my video and put my phone in my pocket. It always feels nice to get work done, at least the base of it. I have a lot to edit later.

As I step back into the 3 story building, not looking forward to the stairs ahead of me, I see the man from earlier. He seems drawn in by whatever is on his phone. He's wearing a face mask, and his curly black hair falls almost completely over his eyes as he brushes it to the side flawlessly. As he looks up, I get a second glimpse of his deep brown eyes, piercing into my soul. I take a deep breath as I decide to talk to my neighbor. At least get to know him. It would be nice to know someone around here, so why not the hot stranger, right?

I slowly approach him, nervous, but with a smile on my face. "Hey." I start, grabbing his attention before continuing, "I don't think we've met. I'm Livi. I live on the third floor." 

I watch as his eyes widen slightly and he turns his attention back to his phone almost frantically. he hasn't spoken to me, and by his reaction, it seems like I said something wrong. Awkwardly, I wave. "Nice meeting you." I say as he puts his phone up to his ear, eyes still focused on me, but clearly making a phone call.

A sudden sound scares the shit out of me. My phone sounds loudly throughout the echoey hallway, playing my default ringtone for everyone, which happens to be the intro to Corpse's agoraphobic. I rush to pull my phone out of my pocket and focus on the caller ID. I look back at my 1st floor neighbor, who still holds his phone to his ear. I double check my phone before focusing my eyes on the man again. "Corpse?" 

He nods up once, still looking me in the eyes. "Whaddup Baby."


OKAY OKAY I just wanna say that I LOVE the idea I came up with for this part. Yes, It might make more sense that Corpse would be more shy about it, but remember how much he cares for this girl. He also wasn't positive it was her, hence why he called her cell. 

Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments, and vote if you enjoyed so I know how people feel <3

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