Saran-ity (18)

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"Normally, a faceless streamer would hate this idea.." I start, talking about how Corpse wants to tell people about our relationship, "But if i'm being honest, I've always wanted to have a camera set up when I stream, and be noticed in public.. I'm just afraid of it at the same time.."

Corpse pulls me tighter into his chest, running is hands through my hair. "If you want it, you shouldn't be afraid of it." His words are soft, yet motivational. 

I smile at him. "You're right. What if I reveal my face to my viewers tomorrow during our stream, and leave everyone else clueless?" I explain my thoughts.

Corpse cuts me off with an idea of his own. "And my entire focus will be on.. you." during his small pause, he kisses me softly, sending shivers down my spine. 

We laugh together at the idea of our plan, before Corpse makes something very clear. "But.. I am nowhere near ready to reveal myself.."

"It's okay baby.." I assure him, rubbing small circles into his back to comfort him. "You don't have to do anything."


We spent the rest of the day hanging out with each other. We didn't want to miss out on a moment, since we were streaming tomorrow, meaning I had to go back to my place. Corpse and I were baking sugar cookies, when I needed to grab something from my bag. My bag was down the hall in the bedroom, and I was sure I could leave him there for a minute with no issues. He's not a child.


I glance over to the small box on the counter. Saran Wrap, Liv told me it was to wrap the cookies, but how would it help? What about it kept the cookies fresh? I suddenly need to find out. She would be back in a minute. I wouldn't fuck anything up.

I open the box, only to find plastic wrapped around a cardboard cylinder. I'm getting fucking foil vibes. I'll just take a piece, and leave it alone. I pull some of the sticky wrap out of its roll, and attempt to use the sharp edge of the box to rip it apart. It won't break. for some reason it's sticking to all sides of itself, and it's pissing me the fuck off. I attempt to peel it's sides off of each other, but it sticks to my hand, not letting go of me as it continues to stick to itself. I pull out my knife, attempting to cut the sticky plastic, but it sticks to my knife, too! This shit is impossible to work with. My rings are also sticking to this satanic piece of plastic. At the point my entire hand is wrapped, and I almost yell. "What the fuck."


I start towards the room, holding what I had intended to grab from my bag. Cookie sheets. I heard Corpse's voice and came rushing to the kitchen. Had he hurt himself? Mind mind wouldn't stop racing.

As I enter the room,  I see my boyfriend with his his hand covered in Saran Wrap. I can't help but start  laughing hysterically at him. I watch as his face turns bright red with embarrassment. "What the fuck is right." I manage to say through my laughter.

I walk over, taking the knife from his hand and unwrapping the plastic slowly, and carefully. He looks at me. "I just wanted a piece of it.."

I giggle some more. "Looks like it got a piece of YOU." I finally get it all off of his hand, cutting the ruined wrap with scissors, and throwing it in the trash can. 

"How did you-" He asks, clearly confused.

"Years of cooking with my mom." I explain, laying a cookie sheet on the pan and beginning to roll the cookie dough into small balls. "I would suggest removing your rings." I tell my boyfriend. I had already taken mine off.

Corpse takes off his rings, placing them on the opposite side of the counter. Then, he joins me in rolling the cookie dough.

Once we finish up all of the dough, I pop them into the previously preheated oven. "The hard part is over." I laugh, washing my hands in the sink.

Corpse does the same. "I've learned my lesson." He sulks sarcastically. "Don't fuck with Saran Wrap."

I laugh at him again. We dry our hands and put our rings on before he pulls me into a deep kiss. I kiss him back passionately as his hands roam my body, resting on my hips and pulling me even closer. My hands run through his hair, tugging on it every now and then as his lips move down to my jaw, then my neck. He pulls away sooner than I thought, holding his throat in pain.

"Babe, did you take your meds today?" I ask Corpse anxiously. He shakes his head, so i rush to the bathroom to grab them. 'GERD'. I grab the bottle and pour two into my hand, then run back to the kitchen. I hand him the pills and hand him a bottle of water from the fridge.

He downs both pills at the same time, taking a long sip of water. I hold his hand, comforting him and making sure he's alright. He mouths the words "I'm sorry."

"Corpse, don't be sorry for something you can't control." I tell him, rubbing my thumb across his knuckles. He wouldn't be able to talk for the rest of the day, but he would be just fine for the stream tomorrow.


I know y'all in the comments are terrified of this one lmao

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