Breaking and Entering (11)

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I'm standing in O2 on the map Polus. Next to me is the one and only Corpse Husband. Apparently we've both finished all our tasks. Personally, I did do all of mine, since I'm a crewmate. But Corpse is hard to trust in Among Us. We've been laughing and joking for a few minutes, never bothered by anyone else in the game. Since both of us were currently live, the fans were loving their #Craven moments

Corpse continues with his casual flirting. "Remember what happened here last time?"

"Yeah, you fucking killed me." I shoot back, causing both of us to laugh. "So.. What should we do here THIS time?" I giggle.

I hear Corpse chuckle softly. "I mean... we could make out." Holy shit. Did he really just say that? Assuming he was kidding, I laugh it off. When he stays quiet, I ask, "What?"

In his deep voice, he responds, "I was being serious." My eyes widen as he says more, "The fans need Craven, baby." 

At that point, my face was a deep shade of red. my chat was blowing up, and I'd assume that Corpse's was, too. I break the short silence. "You were?" I hear him hum in agreeance. "Well okay.. but quick before anyone walks in."

We move our characters to where they look as if they were kissing, helmets touching the slightest bit. All is fine until Rae walks in and screams, "OH NO! NOT AGAIN"

I start to run off as I hear Corpse's voice raise. "RACHELL WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT."

"Rae come back!" i yell, chasing her all the way to weapons.

Rae suddenly realizes she had said 'again', and needs to cover it up. "You guys can't make out in O2 every game!" She yells.

I quickly catch on to her cover-up, and continue it as Corpse walks up to us. "It was one time! and nobody was even streaming!"

"Pretty sure we're all streaming now-" Rae's body flops over as Corpse stabs her.

"Snitches get stitches." I hear his cute giggle as he runs off, and my heart goes into a frenzy. This man definitely has a hold on me.


The next round starts, and we've moved to the Skeld. I watch as my large screen reveals that Sykkuno and I are the impostors. I let out a silent sigh as the game starts.

As we walk down to admin to do 'card swipe', I look at my partner. "Sykkuno, people usually avoid killing you, right?" I ask innocently.

"Uh y-yeah. Most of the time." He answers shyly.

My plan seemed genius. "Can I stick with you? Corpse always kills me when it's him."

Nobody around us suspected a thing as Sykkuno agreed, and we headed to electrical for tasking. When Dream walks in, I kill him and we vent to medbay, continuing to walk to Navigation.

After faking tasks in Nav, asking each other what tasks we have and when we'll be done, Corpse walks in. "Oh look, it's my two favorite people!"

I feel my face flush as Sykkuno stutters, and I speak up. "Corpse, I'm honored-"

"Nah, I was talking to Sykkuno and Corpse" Corpse himself replies. He knows he's pissing me off, and I can't help but slightly enjoy the teasing.

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