Maria (14)

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As we say our goodbyes, I can't help but internally scream at the fact that Livi just said that. I understood what she hinted at when she said she was sure that Bretman said girlfriend. I've known Liv for about 2 months, and I can't deny that we work so well together.

Knowing it might piss her off, I decide to make a tweet about the stream:

Knowing it might piss her off, I decide to make a tweet about the stream:

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After more scrolling, I find this recent tweet:

After more scrolling, I find this recent tweet:

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I giggle. I know she saw my tweet, and that this goes out to me. The fun part is that nobody knows who the fuck she's talking to. It still confuses me how she's not verified yet. This needs to happen.

Twitter goes into a frenzy with #VerifyRaven

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Twitter goes into a frenzy with #VerifyRaven. It feels so weird having so much power over people on social media. Isn't it weird that they seem to agree with me, no matter what I say? I could tell twitter that the sky is green, and they'd praise me. 

I start to sweat as retweet numbers rise on my 'gf reveal' tweet. I convince myself that I'll never make it. Plus, I said 'might' not that I definitely would. 

I remember that Liv would be streaming Minecraft for awhile, so i decide to do a Q&A on Instagram. I haven't been on for a bit. It's nice to talk sometimes.

"Whaddup baby." I greet the black screen as viewers come rushing in. My screen lags as so many people enter, bu it clears up. "Just a simple Q&A."

"First question." I state before reading. "'Who's your Girlfriend'. We'll talk after 1 million retweets." I giggle, causing people to go crazy.

"Will you ever do a face reveal?" I read the question. "My god, do you guys ever stop with this question? I don't know. It depends on how life goes." I laugh again at how sarcastically angry I was.

"How's your little sister?" another question asks. "Oh shit. She's actually coming over tomorrow. I forgot. I'll let you know."

"Why do you call Raven 'Birdie'?" I chuckle at this one. "A Raven is a bird. Speaking of that, verify Birdie on bird app."

After another hour of answering questions and talking, I hear my front door open and close again. Livi was here.

"Alright I gotta go." I explain, upsetting some viewers. "I have company. Thank you so much everyone." 

I look at the chat raging I end the Instagram live before grabbing my phone and walking out into my living room. Liv was standing by my kitchen counter, examining the knife next to my roll of tinfoil.

"Corpse. I leave for maybe a few hours, and you do this again.." She laughs at me, referencing my foil mistake.

I laugh with her. "I tried, okay?" 

I walk over and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my embrace. "Girlfriend, eh?" I say, asking about what she had said earlier.

I watch as her face glows a shade of red, and she looks up at me with a joking frown oh her face. "When were you going to tell me you had a girlfriend." She couldn't keep it up for long, bursting into laughter almost immediately after the words escaped her lips.

"You were the one who told me I had a girlfriend, Birdie." I smile, kissing her soft lips.

She escapes my arms to deal with the mess I made on the counter. "My god, Corpse. What the fuck did you do?" The tinfoil had been completely stabbed through, a deep wound in the center because my dumbass couldn't open it correctly. Turning to me, she asks, "Did you even need this?"

"Uh... No.." I reply as she giggles softly. It's so fucking adorable when she laughs like that.

"You're a fucking idiot." she smirks, walking over to hug me. "My idiot." she mumbles, just enough for me to hear her. 

I hug her back, and we stand there in each other's embrace for a few moments. I kiss her forehead as she breaks away slowly. 

Throwing away the infoil, she looks at m seriously for the first time today. "Are you seriously going to go through with that tweet?"

"Probably not." An idea pops into my head. "I could always just post a picture of you... Nobody would know.."

She smiles lightly. "That's true.. but you said you would tag your girlfriend."

I put my hands on her shoulders, though she's close to my face. She's 5'7 while i'm just 5'10. I almost whisper. "They get what they get. I said I might tag you."

"And I might beat the shit outta you." Livi jokes as she walks to the counter.

"Hey." I call out, getting her attention. "It's my job to beat the shit outta you." I flirt, sending a wink her way.

She turns away, face flushed. "Maybe you just haven't been doing your job right."

The bratty sound in her voice makes me want to show her she's wrong. I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her neck and whispering in her ear. "Wanna bet?" I kiss her jaw before leaning down more to suck on her neck.

She lets out a small whimper before answering my question. "Bet."


I wake to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I glance at the clock. 8:57. I almost forgot that my sister was coming today. I slowly remove myself from my girlfriend's arms, throwing on a hoodie and some jeans and kissing Liv's forehead before slipping out of the door. 

When I open my front door, I greet my little sister. "Maria!" Her long dark hair looks almost black, and reaches the middle of her back. Her brown eyes are the same shade as mine, and our facial features are similar too. She's wearing a pink crop top that reads '03' which is her birth year. Her light blue ripped jeans compliment the outfit. If i've taught her anything, it's style. She just doesn't enjoy black as much as I do.

"Corpse!" She almost screams. I hope she doesn't wake up Livi.. wait.. Livi doesn't know that Maria is supposed to be here.. Does my sister even know I have a girlfriend? Oh no.


We needed some fluff <3   But you know how much I love to leave y'all with cliffhangers like thisss  (sorry)

Okay so, I will NOT be using a 'real name' for Corpse. His name is just Corpse. Also, Corpse does in fact have a sister irl. I don't know her name, but it is not actually Maria. that's just for the sake of the story.

Thank you so much for over 2k reads. You guy are crazy <3

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