Together as One (12)

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This chapter contains sexual content. If you are too young, PLEASE skip this chapter, and/or consider switching to the CLEAN version of this story (can be found from my profile) Another note is that I will NOT be using Corpse's name in the certain parts, just in case. Thank you.


I didn't expect us to go far. But when he stood in front of the door, blocking my exit, things had escalated. I needed to kiss him again. Even when it seemed wrong, It felt so right. His hands cupping my cheeks, and mine on his chest. I thought it would be just like last time, a goodbye kiss.

But now we're in his bedroom, and he's on top of me. Lips together, my hands are in his curly black hair, while his roamed my body. I have to admit, I was scared. I've told him this story many times, but my ex was toxic. My first love used me for pleasure. I know the man with me now wouldn't do that to me, but I can't help but worry about that.

He notices my reaction, and stops. "We don't have to-"

"No, no. I want to" I assure him, causing a smirk on his face. "But.. I'm scared that-"

"Hey..." he cuts me off, cupping my cheek with one hand as tears begin to form in my eyes, "Your ex was an asshole. I would NEVER do that to you.. If only you knew how much I cared for you." His last sentence was almost mumbled. 

Without another thought, I press my lips to his before he sits up to quickly pull off his hoodie. We grin at each other as I sit up to remove my shirt as well. Soon enough, he's removing my black leggings with ease. He's sure to look up and make sure i'm okay with everything. 

When my entire lower body is revealed, and he's between my legs, he looks up at me. With a soft voice, he almost whispers, "Just lean back and relax."

Relaxing wasn't easy right now, with the adrenaline rushing through me, but I lay back in attempt to do what he says. A soft moan escapes my mouth as I feel his tongue press against that sweet spot between my thighs. He continues, hitting all of my most pleasurable areas, and even entering me with his tongue. It doesn't take long for me to reach my high, and I release, feeling something i've never felt before.

He only smiles, climbing up to kiss me once more. As i'm still quivering, he whispers in my ear. "Get ready, baby." He kisses my neck, sucking as he finds my sweet spot, leaving his mark on my skin. The slight pain I feel is pleasurable. 

When he gets up, he positions himself at my entrance. I bite my lip in anticipation, whimpering as I look up at him with pleading eyes. Slowly, he presses himself against me, his entire length sliding in. I moan out his name unintentionally, only causing him to smile and move faster against me. The pleasure that I feel is indescribable, nothing close to what I had believed pleasure was before. The way he whispers in my ear causes a sensation, and how deep he was right now had my eyes rolling back. With every thrust, I got closer and closer to my climax. He reached up, putting a hand around my throat, but being sure I was okay with it. At almost the exact same time, we released, spreading warmth on each other. He suddenly leans down to kiss me again. The passion that bloomed between us was unexplainable. Our lips moved together before he stops and lays down next to me, his arms now around me as I lay on his chest.

Almost immediately, he becomes self-conscious. "Was that.. okay?" he breathes out.

I look up at him, "Okay?" I ask to confirm what he said, "That was amazing."

He smiles, planting yet another kiss on my forehead. "I'm glad I could make your night." He responds with slight sarcasm.

"You were right." I start, looking into his eyes, "Casey was a douchebag. I've never felt this, until you showed me." 

I look away shyly as he speaks up. "You don't deserve someone who uses you like that."

With that statement, he grabs my attention. "So... You're saying I deserve YOU?" I reply in a cocky tone with a smirk on my face.

"We'll see where this takes us." he responds. "Now get some sleep, baby."

That nickname always sends shivers down my spine, whether it's directed towards me or used in his catchphrase. I lay my head on his chest and take in the feeling of his arms around my body. I could get used to this.. 


AHHHHH I'm sorry if it isn't as descriptive as you want, but this is the smutty chapterrrr. I hope you enjoyed!! The next chapter should be out in a couple days the LATEST. Love you all <3

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