Love For Corpse (17)

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It always ends up with me standing in front of his door. I can't tell if he wants me here. Corpse might just need space. I can't help but feel like I caused the entire thing. I was the one who took the picture with Maria. Of course, I didn't tell her to post it, but I told Corpse to post the picture of me on his account. 

I realize now that i'm crying. I'm sitting on his doorstep with teardrops falling from my deep blue eyes. I'm crouched in the corner right by his door where the two walls meet.

My phone rings, and I lift it to my face. Corpse. He was calling me. "Hello?" I answer. I try my bes to hide my emotions, and at first he doesn't notice.

"Hey.." The conversation felt weird. did he hate me? I hear a deep breath from the other end of the phone. "I thought you were coming over.."

I laugh nervously, standing up. "I'm actually outside your door.." In that moment, he hangs up the phone and his door opens to reveal the man I was just on the phone with. His curly black hair fell in his face just a little, and he was wearing a t-shirt and some black jeans they weren't ripped this time. 

I immediately walk inside, passing by him without a hello, only to stand by him as he closes the door.

The second the door closes, tears fall slowly from my eyes. "I'm sorry.."

Corpse starts to get upset. I can see it in his eyes. "Babe, It's not your fault-" 

"But it is! Your privacy is invaded. People pretty much know what you look like now!" i argue, tears running faster down my cheeks. "I know how much I've hurt you."

"Liv, it's not about that. That's Maria's fault for posting the photo. And i was the one who decided on the idea of posting a picture of you. " he explains, "You're so worried about me, and not about yourself! People know what you look like, and they pretty much know your name, too!"

"But i'm not as worried about it." I say softly, still sobbing. "Look what i've done.." I've lost it now.

"It's not your fault, Baby..." he says softly.

I feel him walk closer and pull me into his embrace. After a few long minutes, he gets my attention "Hey.." I look up at him with my eyes still red from crying beforehand. "I was saving this for valentine's day, but.. "

There was a decently long pause before the words escaped his lips. "I love you.."

There it was. The words I wanted to hear. The words I wanted to say. Here they are right in front of me.  "I.. I love you too.." 

He smiles, leaning in to kiss me deeply. Even when I'm at my lowest. Even when I hate myself, he's there. I don't deserve him at all. But here he is. Corpse Husband. He's all mine.


I pretty much make myself at home in Corpse's room as he calls his sister. He asks why she didn't ask for permission before posting the photo, and I feel bad for her in a way. She met her 'idol'. I could tell how much she adored and looked up to me by the twinkle in her lovely brown eyes. The shade of brown that Corpse and Maria share. It's easy to forget something when the adrenaline is rushing through your veins. Like the time I almost walked into Corpse's gaming room, because I had news about his song's number of listens. I hated the embarrassment of that day.

When the phone call ends, he pushes the bedroom door open as I scroll through Twitter. I had made a tweet about the situation.

"I'm getting so many goddamn notifications from twitter

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"I'm getting so many goddamn notifications from twitter." Corpse laughs. I can still tell that he's anxious by the way his voice shakes when he speaks. He sits beside me, and I twiddle my thumbs nervously. Would he be mad? "I've never had people there for me like this.." with that, he puts an arm around me, pulling me to his chest.



After Livi finally settles into my chest, I notice the look on her face. She's anxious, because she knows I am. "I got #LoveForCorpse trending, didn't I?" She asks innocently. I can't help but chuckle a bit, though my hands are shaking.

"So it was you?" I ask, teasing her, trying my best to ignore how I feel right now. I pull up the tweet she posted about 5 minutes prior. As I read through, I can tell that she made sure that it sounds friendly enough. Was that because she thought I didn't want anyone to know? Because I want to tell the world. I want everyone to know that she's mine, and I'm hers.

But we already fucked that up. If we tell anyone now, they immediately know what she looks like, and they know her name. I've seen tweets about what people know of my girlfriend.

 I've seen tweets about what people know of my girlfriend

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That last one almost had me in tears

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That last one almost had me in tears. That's how funny I thought it was. People have no idea..

But back to Liv's tweet, It made me feel so much better. If she ever knew how happy she made me... 

"On the bright side, you and your sister have completely different styles! and she was wearing makeup. Plus, nobody knows about us.." She says, as if trying to make me feel better. "I'm sorry-" She starts as I pull her into a deep kiss. A kiss that says 'thank you'. A kiss that says... 'I love you'

When we part, she looks into my eyes, as if wondering why I'm not mad at her. "I love you so much." I say, putting a smile on her face. "Don't be sorry at all. You made me feel a bit better just by showing up."

"I love you too.." she replies. this was the second time today we'd sid this, and the butterflies in my stomach flew fast, bouncing off the walls.

I look into her eyes and say something from the bottom of my heart. How I really feel. "Maybe... Maybe I want them to know..."


Y'all this chapter had me in my feels. Now.. I wonder how they'll tell people...

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