Fan-Made (15)

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When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that my boyfriend is gone. Voices come from outside of the bedroom door. I hear the melodic sound of Corpse's deep voice, and I can also hear a voice that's slightly higher pitched than mine. A female voice. Who was this girl in Corpse's apartment? Was he cheating on me? Saying he's dating someone just for the fame of it?

I decide that I shouldn't rush into any crazy ideas yet. It could just be the mail lady or some shit. Just in case I need to make a point, I throw on Corpse's original merch hoodie and some short shorts that I had packed. Who cares if it looks like I'm not wearing pants?. As I'm pulling the shorts on, someone walks in.

"Oh, so you are awake." Is the first thing Corpse says before coming in to kiss me, ignoring my outfit. I stood there stiffly. "I want you to meet someone."

I feel slight jealousy. This is how my ex cheated on me. He introduced me a girl, claiming they were friends. I became close with the girl, Mable, and I found them in my bed together a few months later. Would Corpse really do that to me?

"Corpse..." I was scared. I didn't know who was in his apartment. "Who is this girl?"

"It's a surpriseee." He says softly. The feeling in my stomach remains there. 

I start to slowly show how i'm feeling but not on purpose. "Corpse.. Remember when I told you what he did to me..?"

He notices how I'm feeling, and tells me right there, looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry, baby." He kisses my forehead. "I forgot to tell you that my sister was coming over today."

A wave of relief rushes over me. "Oh.. Sorry I thought.."

"It's okay. It's my fault for not telling you." Corpse looks down at my clothes. "Birdie, What are you tryna do to me?" The grin on his face widens as he reaches behind me and squeezes my ass.

I smile lightly. "I was prepared to assert my dominance." Laughing he makes sure that the hoodie I'm wearing is tucked into my shorts, so that his sister knows i'm not naked.

As we make it to the kitchen, where his sister is standing, Corpse introduces us. "Livi, this is my sister, Maria."

"Hey!" I wave at her. "Woah.. You guys look a lot alike." I comment

Maria laughs. "We get that a lot. But I'm only 17." She looks me up and down. "I feel like I recognise you."

I shrug as Corpse continues. "Ria, this is Livi." he tells her, his arm still around me. "You know Red Raven, right?"

Her face immediately lights up. She's shocked. "No way!" She almost screams, pulling me into a tight hug. When she releases, she explains, "I thought the rumors were false!"

I look over at Corpse's smiling face. "She's a big fan of yours." he nudges me.

I start to feel shy. "Oh wow... Thank you, Maria!" Why did it suddenly feel great to be acknowledged by someone? I feel like one of those famous celebs when they walk the streets.

"Now, we kick emo boy to the curb." She proposes, getting laughs from both Corpse and I.

"Emo boy? Wowww." His deep voice rings. "Guess who doesn't get to visit anymore?"

She immediately begins to beg. "No no no please Corpse I didn't mean ittt" She's got her arms around him, and he just rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure we can involve him somehow.." I say. Maria suddenly has an idea, and I'm scared of what goes on in that mind of hers.


Here we are, doing Corpse's makeup on his bedroom floor. I'm surprised she convinced him, but it may have been my pleading for the sake of my 'superfan'. Maria is actually a sweet girl, and she's really pretty, too. She's convinced me to show her MY makeup routine... On my boyfriends face.  Corpse is unaware of what makeup we're doing, since she whispered it to me.

"I'm fucking scared." He laughs.

I laugh with him as I start with my foundation. "Don't be." I assure him.

I'm lucky that my skin tone is so light, because my foundation is only slightly darker than Corpse's skin. When I move on to concealer, i'm surprised THAT matches his skin tone better.

"Pretty basic at first." Maria thinks aloud. "Don't mind me, i'm taking mental notes."

I giggle, moving on to eyeshadow. I love to use a nude color that looks pink. It really brings out my blue eyes, but i'm not sure how it would go down with Corpse. I use a darker pink on the crease and outward to give it a bit of an ombre effect. Next, I move on to liner. I never realized how much easier it was to use liquid liner on another person. I'm surprised when it comes out flawlessly.

Maria's jaw drops when she see's the finished liner. "Damn! It's so even!."

"Make a mental note that it's not as easy to do it on yourself." We laugh causing a smirk from Corpse.

I pull out my clear lip gloss and apply it to his lips. I make sure to tell him when to smudge it together, and we laugh at how funny he looks doing so. 

I move on to contour. "I usually do this last because I usually struggle the most with it." I explain as I start with contouring his nose. Surprisingly I get it done flawlessly. "Corpse you need to let me do your makeup more often. It's so much easier to do it on another person."

"No way in hell." He responds chuckling. "Unless there's a mirror nearby and I can open my eyes for most of it."

"Wow you don't even trust me.." I reply as I apply highlighter below his eyes, down his nose, on the middle of his forehead and across his chin. Picking up my brush and dipping it in the product, I apply some light pink blush to his cheeks. 

"I swear do god if you put ANY pink on my face.." Corpse complains, sending Maria in I into hysterical laughter.

After I stop laughing, I stand up, pulling on Corpse's arm. "Time for your reveal!"

As we get to the bathroom, Corpse opens his eyes and examines himself the mirror. "What the fuck?" We all start to laugh again as he looks closer in the mirror. He looks over at the two of us. "Never again..." The night went on, and we had more fun than ever. But little did I know, Maria had already posted the pictured of her and I.. while Corpse was already planning to post a picture of me.. Our worlds were about to collide.

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