Birdie (3)

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I exit the game and leave the proximity chat room. I smile as I think about the noise that Raven had made when she heard my voice. Out of all the reactions people have had to hearing my deep voice, her reaction was definitely the best. I decide to send her a message through Discord.

Corpse Cat

Sorry about scaring you lmao

Red Raven

You better be! I'm scarred for life now!

Corpse Cat

Also, I didn't know you were faceless too

Red Raven


"Paranoid bout my privacy"

God, Your music is so relatable it's scary

Corpse Cat

Thanks. Speaking of scary, you down to play phasmophobia tomorrow with me, Jack, and Sykkuno?

Red Raven

Send me details! :)

I found myself smiling at my phone. I don't know much about this girl at all, besides the fact that she's kind. Of all the times people have asked me to show my face, or reveal my name, I've always told them I would only do it if I get comfortable enough to. In a way, it feels like I'm in the shoes of my viewers. I want to know so much more about this girl. The sound of her voice still echoes in my ears. It's a beautiful melody that shows so much emotion when she speaks. It wasn't high pitched, it was slightly deeper than Rae's voice. Now I know how everyone feels about me, because I want to know so much more about her.


After answering Corpse's messages, I log off completely and shut down my computer. I head out to the kitchen to prepare some coffee, because Rae would be here fairly soon. I live in San Diego, and she lives in Los Angeles, so the drive is about an hour and a half long. I had spent a good amount of time texting Corpse, but I had some more time to spare. I'm finishing preparing a fruit bowl as I hear a knock on the door. I rush to the living room to open it, and find Rae standing there with the biggest smile on her face. Her brown faded to blonde hair is in two braids, and she is wearing a baggy grey sweatshirt and some leggings. "Rae!" I yell as I hug her in the doorway. The last time we saw each other in person was about a month ago, so I'm so excited to see her.

"Livi!" she yells back at me. I invite her inside and we sit at the island in my kitchen. Perfectly enough, I have two chairs that sit there. "So, how you holding up?" she asks me.

"Well, I embarrassed myself on my stream.."I start before she finds a positive in it.

"On the bright side, that was the craziest reaction anyone has had to Corpse's voice, so you're likely to get subscribers out of that!" Rae smiles at me, and I can't help but admit that she's right. My own embarrassment can be beneficial in that way. "Wanna have a girls day tomorrow?" she asks excitedly.

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