Custom Chain (10)

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**Just a quick note that this story does NOT take place during the pandemic :) WEAR YOUR MASKS (and don't yell at me i'm only saying that bc I got Covid over christmas break. don't worry about me i'm good now)**

Rae and I arrive at a local jewelry store. Luckily, it was almost empty. Though people won't recognise me, Rae is very popular. She would definitely stand out in the mall, for example.

We enter the empty store, and immediately a chain caught my attention. I run up to it's rack, pointing it out to Rae.

**This is the chain necklace that Liv found in the store**

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**This is the chain necklace that Liv found in the store**

I lift it up, gazing at it's perfections. Something about this chain really drew me in. So, I know I need to buy is. "Excuse me?" I ask the woman behind the desk, "How much is this chain?"

The woman walks over and looks at the tag on the rack, which had previously been hidden by some other necklaces. "$129.99" She replies, walking back to her spot by the register. I feel my face drop. That's a lot of money out of my pocket. I decide that it's worth it, and fetch my wallet from my purse.

Rae widens her eyes at my actions. "That's a lot-" she starts.

I interrupt her. "It's worth the money. He did a lot for me. Plus, this chain would look amazing on him."

She mumbles under her breath, just enough so I can't understand her. "YOU would look amazing on him." she giggles softly at herself.

"What was that?" I ask, turning my head back.

Rae simply shakes her head. "Nothing. Just judging the price of such a simple chain." she replies. I laugh in slight agreement as I grab the chain and walk up to the counter to checkout.

"Would you like custom writing? It's only an extra $20, and it takes about 15 minutes."

 I think about what I could have written on it, and a bright idea pops into my mind. "Yes, please."


I stand in front of his door once again. I know that we're planning to play Among Us in about an hour, hence why Rae already left, but I needed to thank Corpse in person. I reach to knock on the door when it swings open. I quickly throw my hands behind my back, still holding the chain in the small plastic bag.

"I thought that was you standing outside of my door for 10 minutes." He chuckles, inviting me inside. 

"It wasn't THAT long." I disagree, now holding the bag by my side again. We laugh it off.

He turns to me as we stand next to his kitchen counter. "We're playing Among Us in like, an hour." he reminds me. I nod as he continues. "You really couldn't wait that long to see me?"

I roll my eyes. "Calm down, I just came to thank you.. for yesterday." I confess. He looks down and I can tell he's gotten a little shy. He knows what he said on stream and it looks as if he's embarrassed of it. "Rae showed me your stream. You really didn't have to-"

"I did." he cuts me off, "I needed to. After what those motherfuckers said about you? I wouldn't just let shit like that go." He seems pissed. People hating on me made him angry, and that didn't exactly make much sense to me. Rae was the only other person who has ever gotten mad at people when they said shit about me. Nobody else ever really cared enough.

I look back up at Corpse, the grocery bag still being held in my right hand. "I uh.. I got you something." 

His head tilts as I set the small bag on the counter. "You didn't have to-"

"I did." I interrupt, mimicking his words from before hand. I watch him crack a smile before i push the bag towards him. "Go crazy, I guess."

He looks at me, eyebrows raised, before he looks into the bag, and pulls out the chain. I feel anxious as he reads the writing. He looks back in my direction with a smile. "Birdie." he repeats the words on the chain.

"I hope it's not TOO much.." I anxiously look up at him. 

"Livi.." He starts, pulling me into a warm hug. I can smell the cologne that I got him recently as I wrap my arms around his waist. I feel the comfort of his plain black hoodie. 

As we pull away, I glance at the clock on his stove. "Oh shit.. I should get back and ready for Among Us."

He nods. "I might show up at your place later." He winks, causing me to giggle. I wave and step out with a breath of relief. Being around him makes me so goddamn nervous.



After Liv leaves, I set up the game. Today's room consists of me, Livi, Rae, Sykkuno, Toast, Jack, Felix, Poki, Dream, and James. 

I'm greeted by Jack. "Corpse!"

Perfect spot for my punchline. "Whaddup baby." I can hear laughing from everyone. Never seems to get old

Felix speaks up. "Anyone ever wonder who he's actually saying that to?"

I blush slightly as Poki answers. "He's just talking to an audience, right?"

Stuttering, I enter the conversation again. "Uh.. Y-yeah."

I hear Livi's sweet, soft giggle as she responds to my comment. "Wow Corpse. You're so believable. I think he likes someoneeee."

My face turns red. I almost thought she was going to say more, and now I just hope that Rae keeps her mouth shut.


I know this chapter is pretty short, especially fro the amount I took to put it out there, but school gets in the fucking wayyyy.

ALSO I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE I HAVE OVER 1K VIEWS. Thanks so much for the support. If it weren't for so many readers, I wouldn't have gotten so far in he story, with many more chapters to come <3

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