Cologne (6)

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Corpse Husband. The man who completely captivates me just by being himself, is now basically right in front of me. One look at his chiseled face is enough to give a teen girl a heart attack. Looking at him now reminds me of that one facetime call.


I heard his laugh again, and my heart stopped... again. We've been talking for hours on end about completely unrelatable topics, and the jokes Corpse made always brought a smile to my face. "Corpse, I saw the insta pics, but lemme see those hands!"

"Sure.. but you have to show me yours." He replies before his camera's black screen brightens to show the man's veiny hands with chipped black nails. 

I giggle softly. "Nice to know you don't use photoshop." He laughs with me before I move my camera to reveal my hand. "Recently I decided to try painting my nails black, and I don't know-"

"It looks good on you." Corpse interrupts, bringing a larger smile to my hidden face.


Now I'm sitting on the small sofa in Corpse's apartment. He's up making spaghetti for us. I glance around, taking the place in. His living room and kitchen are separated only by the change in floor patterns, and there's a hallway just by where I'm sitting, consisting of 3 rooms. The furthest has a sign that reads, "DO NOT ENTER." I wonder what's in that room.. As I look back towards the kitchen, Corpse motions for me to come over.

"I hope you don't mind, but I don't have sauce, so it's just a little bit of olive oil." He explains, "It causes less of a flare up." He motions his hand towards his throat.

I look up from my plate. "No, it's fine. I'm not super picky." I'm so drawn in by the smell of his cologne, that it's hard to focus on the situation at hand "So... how did you recognise me?"

"To be honest, I didn't KNOW it was you," he emphasizes, looking me in the eyes with a smirk on his face, "That is, until you spoke up. How did the video come out?" Still looking in my face, he winks, causing me to blush and look down at the plate in front of me. 

"I- uh.. well it was fun.." I think back to the part where I said how hot my neighbor was. I decide to keep it in the video when I edit. "So.. this is Corpse Husband, eh?" I look up at him with a smile on my face, and an empty plate in front of me.

As he finishes his own plate, he gets up from the small two-person table, collecting both of our dishes to bring to the sink. "And you must be Alivia Bennett." He smirks, looking back my seat as I stand up.

"I think we can both agree that nobody can know we live in the same building." I walk towards him, keeping up with the conversation.

He moves from the sink to face me, though he still leans on the countertop. "Agreed." He replies.


I still can't believe this is her. This is the woman who haunts my rare dreams, and rents an apartment in my mind. I don't have the courage to tell her, but she looks.. beautiful. Of every dream I've had, seeing her face, none compared to what I see in this moment. She seems very nervous, and as much as I want to take her into my arms, I can't. 

"Hard to believe that two faceless youtubers meet face-to-face." I joke, turning to her and raising my brows as I continue. "On accident."

Looking Like No Face (Corpse Husband)Where stories live. Discover now