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            I was sitting in a gray room with sleek walls. Nothing unlike anything I've ever seen,same procedure except this time, will be the last time that one of my soldiers listen to me purposely.Slowly, the men under my tutelage came filing in,the first being Rain;an older gentleman with a small missile launcher, dressed as per his usual.His black tuxedo crisp as a fresh apple.I grabbed him by the shoulder,steering him away from the doorway.In his raspy,pained voice he asked "Why did you do that?" Responding with sign language,he knew precisely what my hairy, massive,callous hands were saying.He nodded and briskly began walking away,out the door to complete his assignment.By now the majority of my soldiers many of whom I loved as if they were a son to me.In one corner, the snipers were talking warmly towards one another.A second corner had the cold,calculating stars of our technical savants.The rest were sporadically,speaking in hushed voices,as if to prevent secrets from spreading.
      I stood up,pulling down a SMARTBoard screen as I nodded towards the direction of the tech savants.He stood up and went to work with the computer, by now everyone was in the room besides Rain,Tiger,Spaz and Walrus.Though Rain was already told what he was supposed to do,we knew just what the other three were doing.
    I nodded for one of my friends to man the door.With the lights dimmed down;voices were hushed more so than before. The screen behind me showed an aerial picture of a North Siberian tundra facility.The steel buildings like Lego blocks on the white canvas.Walrus and Spaz came in and sat in a chair within this room.
   Tundra; being our camouflage expert asked me "What are the objectives?Why don't we just send in an airstrike" In his frigid,logical voice.I responded "This is a top secret Russian facility, rumors exist that within these walls are weapons as of yet unheard of,a group of French nationals including  ambassador Giuseppe Haviellande has gone missing,it is our job to secure the area as Charlie team infiltrates, rescues the hostages. HeadHunter is to take his men 3 kilometres,northwest to assassinate any scientists they spot.You are too take the tech savvies fifteen miles south to act as resources, and to bypass the surveillance feed and give us data.I am to lead half of the others barring the explosives unit,Tank,Peregrine and Lone Star to negate any threats outside the buildings.Explosion take your men to burst the ceilings open and veto the threats, Freegunner's to lead the other group going in from the other side."
      I gazed around the room,Tiger wasn't there as per usual.The men I mentioned acknowledged my tactics,and I got a communication "Mage To Scar,exfil is a go, begin immediately.Do your men know their task?Over"a hiss of static at the end, I grabbed my radio and replied"Scar to Mage, all spare Tiger do, I'll brief him on the go,heading to the bird now.Over"I waved my hand,and my boys began leaving the room.
     Whirpool was one of the last to go, he looked up into my eyes and  said"With all due respects, I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to succeed this round. Micro and Shark both are dead,Tiger's probably high and drunk.The new boys aren't whipped in yet,"I sighed, his expression was dead serious,eyes were puffy and red,his cheeks were wet from the hours of crying.I growled "We'll give 'em hell, if they think we're gonna make it easy, we sure as hell won't!"I cocked my shotgun,pointing my finger out the door.

    On the comms,I heard my men arguing whether we're ready or not. I talked into my radio "Shut up, we got a job to do, let's do it first!"Walking out the building, I saw the Two BlackHawks we were gonna use.Samurai asked "Who's gonna be the pilot and co for this one?"I responded "Hammer and I'll be the pilot 'n' co"Everyone settled into their respective Hawk and I saw that I had a few terrible soldiers to lead. 
   Whirpool's look of dread was nauseating.We began to fly, White Knight was with me, and I heard him say "Sir,Whirpool may be unfit to fight in this battle, what would you like him to do?Lock told me that Bull's men need immediate reinforcements.Apparently the hostile forces,appear to be unarmed yet cannibalistic." Using my massive physique and trained mind to pilot the BlackHawk I turned back to the mission "Scar to Mage, Operation Dark Lord is a go, over."Then I spoke to White Knight "He'll protect Haviellande and any of his protection detail should they be alive.We're diverting our aircraft to neutralize the buildings."

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