Chapter Twenty Nine

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THE FRONT DOOR OPENED and Inola was startled to find Omari standing there. He looked over her shoulder and into the night, but backed up for her to come inside the house. Inola closed the door and furrowed her eyebrows, watching him.

"You okay?" He mumbled and signed at the same time, his left crutch under his arm as he used it to help support the weight on his good side. "Where'd you go?"

He knew where she went, she told him before she left she was going to the supermarket down the block. It was twenty-four hours, but he was suspicious because she was gone for over an hour. She did have a bag in her hand, but that was still a long time for a supermarket that was only three blocks away. Plus it was 10:30PM, he didn't expect it to be crowded at this time of night.

I'm fine, I just went down the block to pick up a few things for the house. I told you it's safer to come out at this time, because in the daytime it's easier for the mafia to spot me. Where are the boys? She signed.

When she left her sons were awake and Omari had been upstairs in their room. So she was surprised to see him down here in the living room, damn near peeking out the curtains looking for her. They hadn't been talking a lot really the last few days. Mainly for reasons like now, she knew Omari still didn't trust her and she didn't like that. Inola wasn't dumb, she knew Omari thought she went to sneak and go see French.

"They went to sleep like twenty minutes after you left. My parents helped feed and change Joshua and everything, so don't worry about that." Omari informed, using his hands as well.

Okay, thanks. She signed. She peeled off her face mask and tiptoed, giving him a dry peck on the lips.

She watched him limp back to the living room with his crutch and grunt before he took a seat on the couch. Inola took her purse off her arm and let it rest by the door, before going into the kitchen to dump her mask and wash her hands. It was a habit after coming from outside. Even if she hadn't touched anything, she still felt like she was carrying a million germs.

Omari stomped to get her attention and she looked over her shoulder at him.

"Come here."

Inola got a piece of paper towel and dried her hands, before dumping it. She wanted to unpack the groceries first, but instead walked over to him. He pulled her onto his lap, resting his hands on her waist. Inola could tell from all the lights being off in the house that even his parents must've been asleep. They were the only two still up.

Omari started kissing all over her neck and face, making her gently pull back. She was shocked, neither of the two had been paying attention to each other much. She guessed he was trying, so she would too. They'd been in a really bad space lately and they needed to try and get out of it.

Mari wait, let me take a shower first. I just came from outside I'm all dirty.

"I'm trying to talk to you, tell me how the line for the supermarket was. Do you still keep in contact with your friend? How'd you guys meet again?"

I know baby but I just want to be comfortable first. I'm all cold from outside where I had to wait for over an hour, at the supermarket. And what friend? She signed standing up and starting to unbutton some of the buttons on her shirt.

"The one that you've been staying with during my coma." He said. The way he signed it had some sort of attitude to it, or at least to her.

Inola noticed he seemed to be obsessed with French ever since he woke up at the hospital. He seemed to want to know everything about him.

I told you he rescued me from some guys in the parking lot that were shooting. She reminded him.

She watched him use his crutch to help pull himself up. She was about to go start unpacking the items into the fridge but Omari stopped her, turning her around by her arm. He narrowed his eyes, "Where are you coming from?"

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