Chapter Thirty Three

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INOLA HAD BEEN AVOIDING FRENCH LIKE THE PLAGUE. She was locked in her room all morning and hadn't come out. Her son noticed too but just thought she was relaxing and didn't feel like coming out today. Last night couldn't stop playing in her head.

She couldn't get over the fact she had got turned on by French. That she liked him touching her, how she wanted him to kiss her. She felt guilty.

Her room door opened for the millionth time and Enrique came barging in. He'd been in and out her room all morning for no reason other than to bother her.

Mom, you gonna stay in here all morning? It's boring. He said using his tongue to stab at his braces. This was one of the reasons he hated being here. French's house was huge, but boring with nothing to do.

Then find something to do E. Yes I wanna stay in here all day, sometimes people just want to relax.

Did you get into an argument with that guy or something?

Inola almost felt like he knew something but she knew that was her own paranoia. No sir I didn't, I just want to be in here. Where is he by the way?

Enrique rolled his eyes, In his basement working out.

She was only asking to keep avoiding him.

Enrique sucked his teeth since his mom couldn't hear. Fine I'll keep watching more TV like I've been doing forever.

Okay. She signed, watching him leave the room.

She stayed behind to surf the Internet on her phone or watch some movies. Ironically, every movie she watched was some theme of infidelity. After changing the channel and wasting at least forty more minutes in the room, Inola finally got up to start her day.

She opened the bedroom door and was met with French. She avoided his gaze, their actions from last night running through her mind again.

I have to tell you something, it's good news. He signed.

How good on a scale from one to ten? 


Oh, so it's amazing news? She replied, trying to give a light smile to ease the tension.

French gave a crooked smile and a shrug that made her heart flutter. He actually was cute when he wasn't being an asshole. I guess, yeah.

Inola rubbed her arm up and down, finally giving him eye contact. Okay, what is it?

Actually, I wanted to take you and your kids out first. And then I'll tell you later on.

Inola's eyebrows met the middle of her forehead as her hand went over her mouth. She felt like she was living in a different universe. He wanted to take them out and do something nice? Wow, really? I mean, yeah, sure, it safe enough to go outside with everything happening?

He nodded his head fast. Yes, we'll be good.

Right then and there Inola figured what it was. She had a good idea this whole ordeal with the mafia was over. That he had finally taken care of everything and they were able to go home. She's never even see French smirk, so to see him smiling and saying he had great news it had to be that. There was nothing else that it could be.

That alone made Inola excited as she squealed and nodded her head at him. She would play along though and just let him tell her later down. He was probably taking her out as a goodbye present or something. She just felt it in her gut that's was what it was.

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