Chapter Three

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Los Angeles, California

UKI LAID IN BED TUCKED under her a light silk sheet. Her eyes were glued to French's back as he moved around the room. It's been a couple days and she was still constantly in pain. It was usual though, sometimes anything her skin touched would hurt, other times she would be fine. It was much better than before now that she had her pain medication, but she was still hurting.

She watched her husband slide a thick black hoodie over his head. With leather black gloves on, he held the barrel of the long nose gun close to his chest like it was the snout of an alligator and he was making sure it wouldn't bite by having a firm grip on it. He screwed a suppressor on it then put it inside the backpack he had by his feet before all of a sudden turning around to look at the bed.

He was caught off guard by Uki's eyes on him, he thought she was still sleeping. She knew what he did to get money but he just felt strange when she saw him doing it. Her face was expressionless, her eyes closing and opening slowly from her sleepiness.

French walked over to her, placing one hand on the bed near her head, softly brushing her cheek with the other hand. "How you feeling, gorgeous?"

"Okay."She said not wanting to complain. She was in pain but it was better than it had been days prior.

French inhaled, bending down to kiss her forehead then her cheek. He wished he could stay with her but he needed to go make the money for them. Even though he already got paid for the job beforehand, he had to make sure he did his part. That was how he worked. He liked to get paid up front. After calling the number that had reached out a few days ago, they arranged a face to face to do business on the the hit that was requested. After their meeting, French concluded the client was good enough to put in work for.

His name was Wesley Palme. A 67-year-old white army veteran who had a vendetta against his daughter's boyfriend who was abusing her. French always made sure to do his research on the clients who requested him. That way he knew if the person he was working for was more of a risk then the person they were asking to get rid of.

Wesley was a field solider while he was in the army. And he'd more than ended a few lives. In fact he'd once been captured by enemies in Iraq and tortured into giving information about the U.S. Government, which he never did. In the week the opposite team had him before he was rescued, he'd been starved, severely burned, had three teeth pulled and blinded in one eye and never opened his mouth about what he knew about his country. So French knew he wasn't the type to run his mouth about hiring a hitman to police.

"What you need before I leave baby?" French whispered, staring into her beautiful face. Her eyes seemed on the bigger side for her face because of the weight loss.

"Nothing, I'm okay. French Fry..." she said putting her hand out.

French immediately took her hand, their fingers entwining.

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