Chapter Eighteen

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INOLA SAT ON HER BEDROOM FLOOR, all the clothes and wigs the strange man bought her in a huge pile on the ground. It was a sea of ridiculous clothing, some modest and business like, others straight whore inspired and other pieces casual. There had to be like fifteen to twenty different wigs. Some different colors, styles, textures and length.

If the situation wasn't so weird, Enrique might've found it funny. Joshua was the only one still sleeping. Enrique was laying in his stomach, watching his mom go through her new wardrobe. It was early and Inola had to go out to get Joshua's food from the medical supply store.

French told her he would take her, so while he was getting ready she was still sitting here, lost on what to even put on. A knock on the door made Enrique look up, knowing it must've been the man. He shook his mom's shoulder and alerted her the guy was there. She gave him the okay to unlock the door.

They were all properly dressed, the two boys in t-shirts and long pajama pants and her in a full pajama set, it was among some of the things he had bought for her. Enrique opened the door but didn't greet him. He wasn't rude but he wasn't welcoming either. French didn't seem to notice or care because he just stepped inside. Seeing the mess on the floor, he just stood by the door.

She hadn't even started to get ready yet, he was irritated because she was the one who had an attitude from last night about being desperate to go get her special need's son food.

Inola looked at Enrique and signed to him. Tell him I don't know what to wear.

"She says she doesn't know what to wear."

French looked at her and narrowed his eyes, he thought she was deaf not mentally impaired. "Tell her to wear what she wants. She can dress herself, right?"

"Yes." Enrique said with a little attitude, not knowing the man was being rude to his mom or not.

Inola wanted to talk to the man alone for a second, only because she didn't want to ask the question in front of Enrique. It wasn't completely inappropriate, but still. She looked at him and told him to go eat some cereal. He wasn't hungry but he could tell she wasn't suggesting. He looked worried, like he didn't want her to be alone with the guy but she smiled and assured him she'd be fine.

Enrique left and closed the door behind him like his mom instructed. Inola found the notepad and pen on her dresser and wrote her message to him.

What's with the drastic change in some of the clothing and hair? Half of this stuff looks like it came out of a prostitute's closet.

French looked at her who was frowning at a electric blue short bob cut wig. He came further inside and leaned against the dresser. He flipped the page and began writing in the notepad. All of this was part of staying inconspicuous. The fastest way to get caught when someone was on the run, was having the same exact style. It made the people looking for you get a strong image of who they were after.

You have to change it up every single time you're outside, you don't want the people after you to have a solid idea on who you are. Sometimes dress normally, other times look crazy, and some days look like you just left a Fortune 500 company.

French then tossed her the pen and gave her the notepad in case she wanted to write back. This writing back and forth business was tedious. He wished she could hear him, he didn't know how certain parents raised disabled people. This shit was too much work.

Inola continued to read though, looking at what else he wrote.

Rule number one: You're to never wear one wig for more than a week straight or change it before the week is finished. Changing it too often makes people notice you're hiding something. And like I said, waiting too long to change it makes them recognize you faster.

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