Chapter Thirty Five

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Los Angeles, California 

EVERYONE WAS SITTING AROUND IN the living room until French heard a sound. His eyes had perfect 20/20 vision. He had a nose like a bloodhound and ears like a cat.

French's attention went to his kitchen window, but he didn't see anything. He quickly stood and went for the gun on his hip, pulling out the long nose gun with the silencer on it. 

Inola immediately grabbed Enrique and turned him away from it. He already saw it and she couldn't protect him forever with the situation they were in, but it was still instinctive as a mother to shield him from negativity. Inola had only seen guns like that in those over the top Hollywood movies. She didn't know they were actually real.

The same time French pulled out his phone, Joshua became disgruntled and began to make disturbing noises. French's home was laced down with cameras. From every angle at every corner, it was part of a precaution of the type of work he did. Another assassin just like him could one day try and get into his residence, so he made sure he would be able to see who it was.

When he looked at his camera app and saw all the screens for the outside cameras were black, he panicked. The cameras outside were his second pair of eyes and none of them were on. It was the Italians outside his door, he knew that. They must've disabled his system somehow or cut some wires. He couldn't concentrate on the disabled cameras and the disabled child who was bringing attention to them with his crying.

Some of the windows were open and the enemy could be hearing them right now. French was getting annoyed, he quickly swiped back and forth from the multiple split screens on his phone trying to see if anything would happen to the cameras, but all the screens were black.

"Why is he making that noise? Shut him up." French demanded, through gritted teeth.

Enrique didn't need to translate as Inola was already working on it. She didn't know what he said but his body language toward Joshua said it all. Plus she could see from his face as well that he was making some sort of noise. She and Enrique tried their best to calm him but he was only getting louder. Making strange loud noises. His eyes were closed so he could've been having a nightmare or just throwing a temper tantrum.

French ducked across the living room to avoid the windows. His eyes were on his phone, but he still couldn't see anything on his cameras. But he was hearing them move around outside. He couldn't concentrate on the Italians or even try to think of a plan because of Inola's mentally challenged son. At any moment one of them could get a bullet to the head and it would be Joshua's fault.

Becoming pissed, French aimed the gun at the kid, freighting Inola and Enrique. "Shut him the fuck up before I do!"

"He can't help it!" Enrique said back, almost in the same tone. He was terrified of French but with the gun aimed at his little brother he had a boost of courage.

He and his mother was shielding the disabled boy, Inola literally having to cover his mouth, hoping she wasn't suffocating him. She was shaking so bad because the situation itself was bizarre. Not only was she being chased by some mafia for mistaken identity; the man who took them in was unstable. She couldn't believe French had pointed a gun at her child. The look in her eyes said it all, she was hurt.

French lowered his gun when Joshua's sounds turned to muffles behind his mom's hands. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and French's eyes were back on his phone. Still disabled. Weapon in hand, he crept to the front door, the safety already off and his gun cocked back.

He unlocked the door in one swift move and had his gun up and aimed at the intruder. He was at a loss for words staring at Inola's fiancé, who had his own gun pointed at him.

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