Chapter Forty

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THE DOCTOR WROTE SOME NOTES down for the upcoming months on Inola's regime, then gave it to her. The doctor specialized in American Sign Language, so Inola always went to her. She was really friendly and was amazing through the pregnancy so far.

Okay honey, you're doing okay. Keep taking your pills, no stress, no drinking, or smoking. You know how this goes, you have two other kids already.

Yup, Inola nodded.

Okay, you can get dressed and leave after.

Inola waited for the woman to leave the room and then put her clothes back on. Once dressed she grabbed her purse and left. She walked down the block to get to the bus stop.

They had a car but Omari was using it because he was at work. He got off in half an hour, but that would take longer to wait on him when she could just catch the bus. So she continued down the block.

She had her phone out to check for the bus schedule when it buzzed in her hand. A text message popped up at the top. There was an unknown number, but it had a picture of a ring sitting on a marble top table. It was her engagement ring, she recognized it.

Unknown: This is French, I think this is your ring. You left it at my house.

Inola stopped walking and a bicycle swerved out from behind her. The man looked back, angry that he almost crashed into her. Still peddling, he flipped her off and kept going. Even though he was suppose to be riding on the street and not the sidewalk. Inola gave him the finger as well and went into a corner to stare at the number.

She wasn't sure if this really was French. It's been four months and he'd been missing in action. Now he was calling from some odd number. Why didn't he use his own phone? She was a little skeptical that this could be a setup. She chose to FaceTime the number so she could see the face.

The phone rang all of twice before the call was answered. When Inola saw his face she was shocked, it was him. He looked clean and neat, but his eyes seemed so tired. He looked like life had worn him out.

You left your ring at my house. He signed at her. No hi, no how are you. He was straight to the point.

Inola didn't know how to feel, they hadn't necessarily left on the best terms. So she could understand he was giving her back what she walked away from him with. She didn't know what to say, it was so weird. Honestly she hadn't even thought about it being at French's place. She couldn't remember when she lost it. She just remembered when she couldn't locate it, she was already in Omari's parents place. So she assumed she must've lost it in Omari's parents house.

Oh...thank you. She signed back, not being able to sign properly since she had to hold the phone with one hand.

You can come get it right now. He signed to her.

She honestly didn't want to, she didn't want to be there when French was there. Just to avoid the awkwardness of it all. She wanted to ask him to mail it to her instead.

I'm not at my house right now, I'll be home later. But I left your ring upstairs in the guest room you use to sleep in. It's right on the bed. When you're done you can lock my door and put the key back under the mat. He instructed.

As Inola looked behind him, it did seem like he wasn't at home. She could see the sun glaring in the background which kind of made him seem darker in the video. He was walking as well because the video was shaking. Inola figured that was the best move to make. It would take a while to get over to French's side, but not more than an hour. She knew she could be in and out.

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