Chapter Thirteen

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Los Angeles, California 

French cursed under his breath at how harsh the sun was beaming down on his face. He'd been telling himself for the longest while that he would get thicker and darker curtains but every time he went outside he pushed the task down to a different day. He looked next to him to see Uki still sleeping peacefully, he didn't want to disturb her so he only smiled and got up.

He'd recently gotten her pharmacy changed so instead of going all the way down to Compton, he got it right here in Los Angeles where they lived. He yawned and went over to the window to shut the blinds so it wouldn't wake her. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure the sunlight was off her face. She was only covered from the waist down by the sheet. One arm hanging loosely off the bed and the other clutching a paper. He could see the pencil on her lap, she was probably making a grocery list from the night before.

French went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He didn't want to take forever because he didn't want the pharmacy to be crowded when he got there. It was eight o' clock in the morning and he loved to go to places early so there was no line. He jumped in his car and headed out, getting there in less than fifteen minutes. The line only consisted of four other people in front of him.

He grabbed a few random items for the house and some weight gain pills for Uki, before heading to the cash register to pay for everything, including her medication. He then stopped at a nearby supermarket and did some grocery shopping. He didn't need to call for her to reiterate her list because he knew everything she wanted. Breyer's cookie dough ice cream, potato chips, a can of whip cream and a pack Winter Fresh gum. Those were mainly her go too items. None were heavy foods, but they were something. He was the one that had to make sure real food came into the house.

French spent an hour in the supermarket, mainly because the lines and an argument broke out because someone's credit card kept getting declined. Once bagged, French headed back home and pulled up in his front yard. It took him a minute to unload all the groceries, it was nearing eleven thirty in the morning when he finally settled back in.

He wasn't in the mood for breakfast even though it was technically still morning, but he would make sure Uki would eat. He was no longer playing with her, she had to be babysat now like a child since she couldn't control herself. Now he even sat in front of her and watched her finish her food. He stood right outside the door too anytime she had to go to the bathroom so he would be able to hear if she was throwing up or not. He knew it was a little extreme and an invasion of privacy somewhat, but he didn't know what else to do with her.

French went jogging up the stairs, and pushed open his bedroom door walking in. "Uki." he said walking over to her sleeping frame. He snatched the paper out her hand and unfolded it to see if he had everything on her list correct. 


He looked at her and blinked, she was in the exact same position as when he had left. "Uki," he called again, he never noticed how still she actually was. He swallowed and shook her, it started off gentle but then he began shaking her back and forth. Her skin wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold either. He placed two fingers on her neck, noticing she didn't have a pulse. "Uki!" He screamed.

He snatched the covers off of her, noticing an empty pill bottle. He picked it up and read the information. It was prescription Vicodin. There were 20 tablets with one pill along coming in at 500mg. She had taken the whole bottle. It felt like his life was moving in slow motion. How the fuck did she even get her hands on Vicodin? They were painkillers, but he was the one who was assigned to collect her medication. 

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