Chapter Four

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Compton, California

OMARI EYED BACK EVERY SINGLE ONE of the guy's on Inola's street that stared him down. He never understood why they did it. They saw him here almost everyday and every time he came, they watched him like it was their first time ever seeing him. They were either fake gangsters or just had nothing better to do.

He ignored the loud ignorant music one of them were playing out of the Bose speakers in their car and knocked on Inola's door. Two doors down, an elderly Chinese woman suddenly got off her porch and pretended she was walking down to her mailbox, while in actuality she was being nosey. She made no attempts to hide her nosiness as she blatantly stared at him, squinting her eyes to get a better look.

Ms. Sung-Wu knew everybody on the block and who lived in what house. She's seen Omari plenty of times before, but being seventy four her memory wasn't so fresh. Omari just pulled his lips in and looked away. The door finally opened and he quickly stepped inside, brushing the top of Enrique's head. He smiled when he saw Joshua, Inola's six year old son.

"Aye," he sang happily, the biggest smile coming across his face, "look who's up!"

Inola turned around from where she was in the kitchen, cutting onions and smiled, watching the interaction. Joshua was mentally and physically disabled. He couldn't speak and was paralyzed but he could make sounds and hear. He was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life because of his deformities. His limbs curved awkwardly and he forever had a spaced out look in his eyes.

"Mm, you smell good little man. I hope that ain't my soap," Omari said, holding the little boy bridal style. Drool pooled out of his mouth as he seemed to be staring into Omari's eyes even though he wasn't.

Inola had once had a very dark period in her life. She had always embraced her deafness and loved the fact that she was different; but once she started getting older and hormones came into play and she started noticing boys, it sucked that boys didn't notice her. People often thought she was ugly, so on top of her being deaf, she never found anybody who wanted her.

It wasn't until she met Sancho, her children's biological father. Back then he had been the sexy, charming guy. So when Sancho showed interest in her, she was excited. He showered her with attention, so Inola was soaking it all in. It didn't take long for them to enter into a sexual relationship.

What she didn't know was that Sancho himself didn't have luck with the ladies. He wasn't bad looking at all and he had a nice body. But he had a vibe that screamed punk. One of those guys that may have looked nice but wasn't really assertive in anything in his life. He was the type that flaunted money to get females attention because his personality wasn't cutting it.

What he lacked in personality he made up for with finances. He was a Transportation Inspector, in charge of making sure transportation like trains and airplanes were safe to be used before taking off. His yearly salary was $70,800. Sancho more than had money for a man who had to take care of nobody but himself.

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