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Felt this song was necessary because it's a Harry pov.


I have so many things to do. We are leaving Italy the day after tomorrow. I haven't got any information on Defrenzo because of Liam's ignorant fucking actions.

One job. He had one job.

All he had to do was get Defrenzo drunk enough to talk. That's it.

And he couldn't even do that. He is as useless as that dumb bitch I shot a few days ago. Marissa was her name I believe.

God she was so whiny. Constant high pitched squeals and attempted reassuring words while I banged her.

I don't need fucking praise.

So I fucked her hard enough to get her to stop her irritating talking.

As much as she was annoying though, her pus-

"Harry, are you even listening?" Louis cuts me from my vivid thoughts.

"Yeah, you said something about going out later." I dryly respond.

Currently everyone is sitting around in the pool while I remain by the outdoor bar.

"Yeah we want to go to the beach." Leila says.

"Then go. I don't know why the hell you're telling me." I say back to her.

"Aww Harry don't be such a pout because your little girlfriend went back home, you still have us." Leila says with a pouty face.

We told the females in the house that Lilly went back home because her grandma died and she needed to go mourn.

Which in fact is not true.

Her grandma may be dead for all I know, but in this situation that has nothing to do with why she is not here right now.

"She meant nothing to me, and I'm not a fucking pout." I uttered.

"Whatever you say" She deepens herself under the water and swims away.

I pour myself a glass of bourbon and take it straight back with one gulp.

The comforting burning sensation rolling down my throat immediately helps me relax a bit.

"You sure you don't want to come with us Harry?" Louis asks me.

"I never said that" I reply.

"So you are coming then?" He asks me.

"Never said that either." I mumble.

Louis gets out of the pool and walks over to me.

"Mate, what's up with you? You've been acting weird ever since Defrenzo left earlier." He says to me.

"Nothing is wrong." I groan in annoyance of the question.

"Okay..." He rolls his eyes.

"Well we're leaving in an hour, we're gonna go watch the sunset, and then probably get dinner somewhere." He says before patting me on the back and then going back to the pool with everyone.

Have I been acting weird?

I don't think I have.

I mean maybe.

I just can't stop thinking about the way Lilly screamed at me to help her before she was taken.

The look in her eyes was pure terror.

I almost feel bad for her.


But I did what I had to do. We need to stay on good terms with Defrenzo for as long as possible. Because once he finds out about our business with Zayn, then all hell will break loose.

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