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Me and Niall are in the Hallway waiting for Louis to find Liam so we can head out.

Lilly is passed out in Nialls arms, completely limp.

I tap my foot impatiently on the ground.

"God whats taking them so fucking long!" I say to Niall.

He readjusts his grip and glances towards the door to the club. "Why are you asking me, I'm not the one in there." He replies.

Smart ass.

God Niall gets on my fucking nreves sometimes.

"Fuck off" I tell him.

He seems to think that this is somehow funny.

He giggles and shakes his head.

God what I would give to slap the shit grin of of his fucking face right now.

"You know Harry one day you'll look back on these years and regret how mean you were." He says.

"Doubtful." I say with all seriousness.

I am who I have to be, and sometimes the people around me don't like that, and they can just fuck off.

"Aww Harry you know you love me." Niall says in a childish voice that makes me want to jam screwdrivers into my ears, just so that I'll never have the chance to hear it again.

"Niall I fu-"

Loud sirens erupt from the walls and Naill and I look at each other.

Jesus fuck, what did these shitheads do now.

The doors of the club open up and two random guys clothed in suits come charging at us with guns.

I quickly pull out my gun quicker than either of them could even react, and shoot them in between their eyebrows. Perfect shot every time. I've done that exact shot more times than I could ever count.

The sirens continue to scream at an ear piercing volume.

"Harry, she's starting to wake up." Niall yells to me.

I look over to see Lilly tossing her head around while in Nialls arms.

"Stay here" I order Niall and he nods.

I step over the dead bodies and walk through the doors that they entered from.

I look around to see that the room previously occupied, is now empty.

All of the tables are empty, and so is the bar.

I keep my gun gripped in my hand and make my way over to one of the back rooms.

I open a door and see a huge pool in the room, still no people in sight.

Where the hell did they all go. There is only one entrance and exit according to Louis. So unless he is wrong, they're all hiding down here somewhere.

I walk back into the main room, still nobody in sight.

The screeching sound of the sirens are annoying the hell out of me.

All the sudden I hear gunshots, and bullets fly towards me.

I duck down to the ground in reflex.


I jump back up and spot four guys standing in the opposite wall of me, all with guns pointed at me.

I point mine at them, but someone grabs me from behind, locking my throat in their arm.

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