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Present day


He hasn't left yet, he normally goes out around 10 at night and comes back sometime the next morning or afternoon. It's currently around 8 and he is sleeping on the couch downstairs. The sun has just gone down and the crickets have come out. I'm sitting on my twin size bed In my small bedroom, if you could even call it that. It used to be a storage closet but now it's my room.

We moved into this house on my seventeenth birthday, that was only about 6 months ago. And It only has one bedroom, that is my fathers, and I have to sleep in here.

I'm waiting for him to leave so I can go out. I don't have any friends I typically keep to myself. People only stare at me and think I'm fucked up. I am, but I'm still a teenager who likes to have fun. I may have an abusive father who leaves cuts and bruises all over my body but I'm still human. People act like I have an unknown disease that if they become friends with me they will get it.

So because I have no friends, I find joy in music. I love the way it takes me to another world. I can close my eyes and get into the singer's mind. It's my escape. I have millions of songs on my phone and I have listened to every single one. I spend hours upon hours just looking at new music.

Tonight there is a band playing at a huge club in town. You have to be 18 to get in and drink but I have a fake ID so I can get in anyways. I don't drink , I only do drugs. So my fake is basically useless to me, besides the few times I use it to get into clubs and bars to waste away time.

I only really hangout in my town, I have driven to London a few times but besides that hour and a half drive I haven't been anywhere else. I can't leave this house legally until I'm 18 but I'm only half a year away. If I can even make it that long. I have no future to look up to and don't see my life taking an exciting turn anytime soon. 

My father never says goodbye before leaving so I am starting to get ready to go out. The club I'm going to is massive, it's one of the biggest in the UK. It's in our town because our town has a lot of empty land. Apparently it's a perfect place to put one.

Bands perform in the club a lot, sometimes big artists and other times just small local bands. It can hold a few thousand people; it's absolutely huge. The band playing tonight is  called 'Cryptic Lights' . I've heard their music and I think it's amazing. Everyone in town is excited for them to play. But most people come from out of town.

I'm almost done getting ready. I just have to get dressed. I hear the front door close and by that, I know my father has left.

I decide that I'm going to wear a Beatles shirt with a leather jacket, and black ripped jeans. I wear long sleeves, because I normally have cuts on my arms. I also have scars but most are on my stomach so when I don't have fresh cuts on my arms I can get away with a short sleeve. But for right now, my wounds are almost all healed.

I grab a bag with my essentials in it, one being my fake ID. And I head out the door putting on some vans before leaving.

I walk over to the bus stop and sit on the bench. I check the time on my phone and it's a few minutes past 10. The bus will come soon.

A few minutes later it does. The large bus stops for me to get on and I sit on a chair towards the back. The ride is not too long, it's about twenty minutes. When I arrive at the club there is a big line. I come here all the time so I know the bouncer. He still checks my ID though for shits and giggles. To him I am a 19 year old named Victoria Jane.

I walk straight up to him skipping the line, he checks my ID and let's me in. I hear scuffs and complaints of the rest of the people in line watching me enter the building without having to wait.

When I get in it's packed. The show starts in 20 minutes so I try to snake my way towards the front to get a better view.  Somehow I get up to the barricade and smile in success. I can hear people around me talking but I'm focusing on the stage in front of me waiting for the show to start.

But something catches my attention. There is a big group of girls around me all talking, I can't help but listen in.

"We're going to Italy next, I'm so excited." One girl says. 

"I know, but what are we going to do without Lourie, she totally bailed after you know what." Another girl says.

 "Maybe we can find someone here to fill in for her?" A blonde girl chimes in. They all seem to agree and look around the room. The tall blonde makes eye contact with me.

"Hey" she walks over to me. "Me and my girls are friends of the band and one of our other friends totally flaked on us. We travel with them on tour." she informs me.

"And I know this is probably a weird question, but would you want to come with us? We are used to having six people and odd numbers just don't sit right with me. And before you say no, I promise we are not psycho killers, and we will have so much fun." she laughs.

I think about it for a second before answering.

"I would, but I don't really have any money" I tell her.

"Oh it's already paid for by the band" she casually says.

I think about it again and honestly, what do I have to lose. I don't have anything important at my house, only things that can easily be replaced. These girls seem innocent, I mean how bad could it really be. Fuck it, I tell myself.

"Yeah, I would love to actually"

"Really!" she says in surprise.

"Nothing's really holding me back here, so why not" I tell her and she excitedly brings me over to her friends.

"Guys this is" she turns to me "what's your name"

"Lilly" I inform her. " Lilly, guys this is Lilly, and she is going to join us" they all wave to me and I smile back.

"I'm Lissa by the way, just hang around after the show. Everyone leaves after it's over so just stay around and we'll find you" she tells me before heading back to her friends and leaving me back by the barricade again.

I could be making a mistake and be walking into my murder, and at this point in my life would that really be so bad? Or I can be walking into a great adventure. 

Well I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I grip the barricade with my hands and smile as the lights in the club turn off. Everyone cheers and moves closer to the stage leaving me a bit squished.



Looks like Lilly has taken a leap of faith, wonder how this one's gonna turn out...

This is going to be part of a double update, chapter 3 coming in a bit.

let me know if you guys have any questions.

Don't forget to vote, and share the love. xx

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