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It's pretty much silent for the rest of the ride to my house, we just watched some Netflix show on the television.

We finally reach my house and I get up to go retrieve my things.

"You guys can stay here, I'll just be back in a few minutes." I smile and exit the bus door.

I walk to my front door and shuffle around my bag to find my keys.

I finally feel them and stick it in the lock twisting it to open the door.

The house is silent except for the living room tv that I left on.

I quickly run up the stairs and go to my room.

I grab a large suitcase and shove a bunch of clothes and small things inside.

After about five minutes I am almost finished. I don't have many things so it's not too hard to pack.

All the sudden while I'm shoving an old pair of converse inside my bag, I hear the front door open and close.

I told the girls to stay on the bus but I assume the curiosity got the best of whoever decided to come inside.

I laugh and shake my head walking downstairs to go see who came inside.

As I'm stepping down the stairs I start to speak. "I thought that I told you to stay on-".

I turn the corner at the end of the stairs and it's not one of the girls. My heart starts beating out of my chest and my hands start sweating.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going" my father speaks.

"I- I am just going to t- the store to- to get you some more food were all out, and I met a friend w- who said that she would t- take me there" I fumble my words and try to come up with an excuse that's somewhat believable.

But of course, he doesn't believe me.

"You seriously expect me to believe that" he laughs to himself but I can tell that he is absolutely furious with me.

I'm so close to my escape but of course he has to stop me right as I'm about to be free.

"Yeah, she has a bus and she offered to drive m- me" I stutter again but I'm trying to be as confident as possible.

He smiles to himself and walks slowly towards me, and in instinct I walk backwards. I hit the wall behind me and my back is pushed against it.

"You ungrateful lying" he steps closer "piece of" he stops and stands right in front of me, our chests almost touching. "SHIT!" I flinch and close my eyes at his loud voice and close proximity.

A tear escapes my eyes but I still refuse to open them.

He puts his hands around my throat and it cuts off my circulation and airflow.

I try to release myself from his grip but he doesn't budge his tight hold on my throat.

"You think you can just leave and all your problems will be solved! Well let me tell you little shit, life is just as hard outside of this house then inside!" He doesn't let go and I can feel my body starting to give out.

My lungs are deprived from oxygen and I barely have the energy to try to fight him off anymore.

I kick my legs and try to push him away with my hands but nothing seems to be working, I just keep getting weaker and weaker.

My eyes still glued shut I start to go limp and my body gives up, his grip still tight around me.

But all the sudden I hear a loud smack and then a thud as his body falls to the ground and he releases me.

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