19. Mommy's Struggle Too

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Me and Aria laid curled up on the couch. Something was wrong with her. She wasn't talking to me. Not like she was mad or something. But like she had a lot on her mind. I didn't know which me she needed right now. Did I need to be big? Or little? 

I looked up at her as she stared at the tv, pulling on her popsocket before pushing it back down again. I think it was best that I was big for now.

I gently put my hand over hers to get her to stop messing with the popsocket. "Aria," I said looking up at her. She looked down at me. She looked so drained and tired. "What's wrong?" I asked as I turned off the tv, sitting up.

She closed her eyes. "My family reunion is coming up. In a few days. My dad is going to be there. He just...I struggle with him. I can't be who he wants me to be. He will always like my sister better and never fails to remind me that I'm a disappointment." 

I was shocked. I mean no one's parents are perfect. Not even my mom. But how could anyone see Aria as a disappointment?

"You're not a disappointment. You couldn't be even if you tried." I said softly as I run my fingers through her hair. 

She leaned her head into my hand. I could tell that wasn't the only thing wrong with her though. Just the way she was holding her arm over her stomach.

It took me a second but something clicked in my mind. Maybe she was on her period? Now, hear me out, Karen gets extra sensitive when she's on her period. I'm guessing Aria is maybe the same? I mean, her family reunion has been up on our calendar for weeks. I even asked her about it once and she said she was excited to introduce me to one of her nephews. So why all of a sudden would it be a big deal? I mean yeah, your dad thinking you're a disappointment would warrant some sort of emotion but-

Why am I explaining myself for a guess? Point is, I think she's on her period.

I carefully got up, not trying to move her too much. She furrowed her brows a bit. "Where are you going?" She asked as she sat up some.

"I just want to get something from the room." I say as I kiss her head. She nodded as she settled back down, going back to watching tv and messing with her phone- this time, pushing the case off the edge of her phone before pushing it back on.

I went to our room and searched around for my hand warmers. I found them and activated them before wrapping them in a warm washcloth so that it wouldn't be too hot on her stomach. I carry that to the kitchen, making sure to bring extra hand warmers so that when one lost its heat, I could switch it for another.

I check the fridge to see what we had. Nothing much really. So I ordered some of Aria's favorite Chinese food on DoorDash. And since I had to order some food anyways, I got her some candy and different snacks too.

Then it was back to the bedroom to grab our weighted blanket.

I came back to Aria with the blanket in my arms and the hand warmers on top. "Ryan-"

"I wasn't fully sure but I thought maybe you were on your period.. you just seemed a little off and you kept an arm on your stomach and..." my sentence dragged on. I didn't know how to finish it really.

But Aria smiled a bit. "I'm sorry. I just hate doing all that stuff for this time. I don't like being moody or bloated or having cramps." She explained.

I shook my head some. "Well, you still have to take care of yourself. And if you're not going to, then I will." I say as I sat down, handing her the washcloth with the hand warmer inside. "To help with the cramping." 

She smiled more as she put it on her lower stomach, letting out a soft sigh when she felt the warmth. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back for a second. I could see the relief on her face.

I covered her up with the blanket before going to the bathroom for a second. I got out some painkillers for her and went to the kitchen to get her water. I brought them over to her and gently nudged her side. Aria thanked me before taking the medicine from me and taking it with the water. She already looked happier than she was just a few moments ago.

"Well don't just stare at me. Get over here!" She opened her arms and I smiled, carefully crawling into her arms, my head resting on her chest. She kissed my head. 

I knew for sure, this is where I was meant to be.


Hi guys! I've been sitting on this chapter for a while and I couldn't figure out how to wrap it up but I finally have haha! Hope you guys enjoy and now for this chapter!

What new skills have you picked up over the time of quarantine? 

Personally, I've worked on my art some. I really haven't done too much unfortunately but I'm hoping to do more things with volunteering and community service. 

Let me know what you guys have been up to! See you in the next chapter darlings! I've missed you!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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