5. Alone

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Keren left after about 30 minutes. I was home alone. Something I was used to by this point. I was slipping into head space so that meant no cooking on the stove. Which was kinda sucky. I was hungry and I was really craving a grilled cheese. But last time I cooked on the stove, I started a fire and the fire department ended up coming. Nothing but the stove burned but I was basically banned from cooking for a while. Even out of headspace.

After maybe another 20 minutes, there was a knock on the door. I was fully submerged into little space so I was a bit careless as I ran to the door and opened it up right away.

Standing there in a hoodie and jeans was Aria. I didn't have to see my face to know that I was smiling. "Hey, Ryan. Where's Keren?" she asked as she let herself inside and closed the door behind herself.

"She left on her date a while ago." 

When I said that, Aria looked like someone just told her that her cat got stolen. If she has a cat I mean. I wouldn't know.

"She left you alone?" She sighed before shaking her head. "How old are you?"

I held up 3 fingers.

Aria frowned before rubbing my head gently. "Keren should know better than to leave you alone. What if you got hurt?" she said as she squished my cheeks together slightly.

I smiled as I put my hands over hers. Her skin was so soft and warm on my face. "I'm okie. I know what not to when I'm alone."

"Still," she said as she rubbed my head. "If you were my little you'd always be with me. Unless I had work of course but I'd make sure there was someone to watch you." She mumbled under her breath. If I wasn't listening I would've missed that comment. She said if I were her little. Does that mean she wants to be my mommy?

I was trying my hardest not to freak out but she must not have noticed how red my face was.

"Are you hungry? Did Keren at least give you something to eat before she left?" she asked as I shook my head. "When Keren gets back we're gonna make her sit in time out." she said with a playful tone in her voice. 

I smiled and even let out a little giggle as I shook my head.

"Hmm? No? Alright, then we'll let the tickle monster get here, sound good?" she asked as she led me into the kitchen.

I gave her a thumbs up as I giggled. She smiled as she looked in the fridge. "Now, what would you like to eat?" she asked.

"Grilled cheese!" I said without any hesitation what so ever. 

"Grilled cheese it is." Aria smiled at me as she pulled out the butter, bread, and cheese. While she was in the fridge, she got me a cup of milk too. "I don't see any sippy cups around. Can you drink out of a normal cup without making a mess?" she asked.

It was only like 5 minutes of us being alone and I was already loving how she babied me. There was this slight want to make her proud so I nodded as I reached for the cup. She handed it over and I took a few sips before putting it on the table next to me.

Aria was the type that did things while she cooked. What I mean by that is she would dance around a little bit as she made up random lyrics. What really made me smile was when she would add my name into the songs. 

Before long, my grilled cheese was done and I was sitting on the couch next to Aria as she turned on a cartoon for me. I felt so full after eating the rest of the sandwich and drinking the rest of my milk. I laid my head on her lap after a moment, hoping she wouldn't push me off.

She didn't. Her hand just ran through my hair gently, massaging the top of my head. I closed my eyes as I just focused on the feeling. 

I could really get used to this.

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