8. Night 1 With Aria, Part 1

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When I woke up, I was alone in my bed, surrounded by all my stuffies and pillows as well as some blankets. There was a little note next to my pillow that was from Aria.

I didn't forget my promise to you. I already told Keren. I just needed to go home and get some stuff ready for you. Be a good boy and I'll see you later this afternoon! Pack enough clothes for the upcoming week too! - Aria

I wasn't in headspace at the moment but the message still made my heart swell. I was so happy. I put the note away in one of my drawers before getting up and going downstairs to see what was up with Keren.

When I got downstairs, Keren was humming to herself as she cooked breakfast. I don't get what's up with girls and dancing as they cooked but maybe that's what makes their food taste so much better. I have no idea.

Not wanting to bother her, I sit down at the table, laying across like 2 or 3 of the chairs. After a few more minutes, Keren finally noticed me and waved. "Big?" she asked. I usually wouldn't be laying across the furniture like this if I weren't. But she already knew this so I just gave her a thumbs up.

"So how was your night with Aria?" she asked as I started to smile. Just hearing her name was making me happy. I was a mess. But of course, I couldn't tell my big sister that. She would tease me. Not in a mean way, just an annoying older sibling way. So I had to downplay how much I enjoyed last night.

"It was cool I guess. She's nice." I said cooly.

That was believable, right?


Keren busted out laughing. doubling over. "Oh little brother, you have never been a good liar. You know that, right? Even when mom asked did you eat all your veggies when you were like 6 and you said no it wasn't believable. Pinocchio would've done a better job at lying."

I blushed slightly as I looked off to the side. Why did I think I could lie to Keren? She knew me almost as well as I knew myself. If not better. We've just always been this close. Not like we had much of a choice. Our mom made us spend a lot of time together. She was the type that valued family and thought family was before any and everything else.

"Now let's try that again. How was your night with Aria?"

I bit the inside of my cheek thoughtfully. This was Keren. She would be supportive of me no matter what. So why was talking about a girl to her so weird?

Maybe because of who the girl was. Whatever the reason, I felt like I had to censor whatever I said.

"It was great honestly. She made me feel so same and secure and she never made me upset. Even when I had to go to bed and got a little pouty, she kept smiling and babying me."

Keren smiled before looking a little more serious. "Do you ever think of.....you know."

I knew what she was talking about. Or who rather.

My old mommy.

I had to think about that answer for a little bit. I honestly did think of her from time to time but it wasn't like I missed her. It was more like I wondered if she had thrown out the stuff I had left her house.

"No," I said as I looked at Keren. That answer seemed to be good enough for her. She smiled and nodded.

"Good," she said softly. "I'm glad that you're ok now."

"Me too. Now hurry up and finish cooking." I said with a smile as I sat up.

After breakfast, Keren went to do her own thing while I went up to my room to pack. As I was packing, I found an old picture of my old mommy and me in my suitcase. This must be the one I always used when we traveled. I looked at the picture for a long time before ripping it in half. "Good riddance," I said to myself as I let the two broken halves fall into the trash can before going to finish packing my bags.

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