2. Her

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I thought I had died. She was too beautiful to be human. She just had to be an angel.... well I actually don't quite know what she looks like. I could just hear her from the hall. But if her voice was any indication of her looks, she was a model. Her voice was so pretty and soft. I would never get tired of hearing it.

I didn't even notice when I had started to walk downstairs, peaking around the corner shyly just to get a glimpse of her. A head of long bright blue hair came into my vision. Her back was to me as she helped my sister, Keren with something. Keren sighed. "I just don't understand how to help him. He's never in headspace anymore and he hardly eats now."

They were talking about me. I knew it. I looked down at my clothes. The same shirt that used to fit me perfectly now hung and sagged around my body. I had let go of myself. "Hmm, well can I go see him?" the girl asked and my heart started to beat out of my chest. Did I really want her to see me like this? 

Definitely not. I went back up to my room as quickly and quietly as I possibly could before I pulled my blankets over my face and laid on my bed. I could hear them both climbing the stairs and I chewed on the inside of my cheek in anticipation. 'Please change your mind, please change your mind' I thought to myself.

They didn't. I heard a soft knock on my door before my sister and the girl walked in. I wanted to turn around, to see her face but, I stayed still. "See? I told you." Keren said before I heard shuffling. Probably them about to leave.

At that moment, I felt a gentle tugging on my blankets before I was met by a beautiful face. I couldn't help the blush that crawled onto my cheeks. "Well there you are. You look like such a sweetheart." she said softly. I couldn't look away from her. Her eyes, her lips, her face, everything was just so beautiful.

"Could you get up please?" she asked me softly as I gave a little nod. She helped me push my blanket back and I got up, standing in front of her. She was taller than me by no more than 4 or 5 inches. 

"I'm Aria. Mind telling me your name?" she asked looking at me.

I found myself feeling shy as I looked down at my shirt, picking off little pieces of fuzz. "Ryan." I said softly as I chewed my bottom lip.

I felt Aria's fingers under my chin as she lightly tilted my head up to look at her. "Hey, you should look at people when you talk to them. Plus I wanna see those lovely brown eyes of yours."

I all but melted into her hand. "Okie." I said softly, feeling myself starting to slip into headspace.

She smiled and I swear, birds started to sing. She gave my head a gentle pat before turning to Keren. "I think he'll be ok soon. But, I gotta get going now. It was nice to meet you Ryan." Aria said before giving me a gentle hug. Before I had a chance to react, she had let go and hugged Keren goodbye. She gave a final wave before leaving my room and going downstairs.

I held my breath until I heard the front door close. She was gone.

And I didn't know when I would see her again.

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