4. I Don't...

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Aria began to come over more often. It got to the point I was even starting to anticipate her arrival. I would hear a car outside and race down the stairs just to see if it was her. I was a mess.

On this particular day, I was sitting on the couch with Keren who was painting her fingernails at the moment. "Why are you painting your nails? It always makes the house smell like chemicals." I said with a little pout as I glanced over at my older sister.

"I have a date later." she chirped as she wiggled her fingers. "So the smell of chemicals is a small price we're going to have to pay for a little bit. You can turn on the fan and crack a window though if it helps."

I went over to the window and cracked it open a bit. "What am I going to do until you get back?" I asked as I glance back at her.

"Well, I could see if Aria would like to come over and hang out with you. Let you two have a little date of your own." she said suggestively just to tease me.

My cheeks turned pink as I puffed them out. "We're just friends. She's nice to me and makes me happy." I said simply as I sit down on the couch again.

"Mmm, I would believe that but, you don't blush when you're just talking about your friends." Keren said smiling. "You like her."

Maybe it was because she was my sister and her playful mocking tone but, I crossed my arms and pouted. "I don't even like her all that much." I said before I could stop myself.

"I guess that means you don't want me to call her-"

"No! I-I mean...please call her and ask her to hang out with me while you're gone." I say softly as Keren ruffled my hair, careful of her wet nails.

"There's nothing wrong with you liking her little bro. She's nice and I'm sure she likes you too. It's just nice to see you happy and smiling again. Me and mom hated seeing you upset. Especially when you weren't eating." she sighed as she gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

I smile slightly as I hugged her back. "Thank you, Keren." I said softly before picking up her phone with a cheeky grin. "Now call her please?'

She laughed and rolled her eyes. But she called her anyways. She put the phone on speaker while it rang,

One ring.

Two rings.



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