7. Prelude to Night 1 With Aria

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Bedtime came faster than usual that night. Keren still wasn't home yet so Aria would be the one to tuck me in after getting me ready for bed and stuff. 

It was around 7:30 when Aria checked the time. "Ah, you should probably be getting ready for bed now."

"But Keren lets me stay up until 12 so I don't have to get ready until 10." I say as I look over at her.

Aria let out a chuckle. "Nice try Ryan but, Keren already told me that your bedtime is 10. Come on, if you hurry and get washed up, I'll let you have a little ice cream after dinner."

She had me at ice cream. I quickly got up from my spot on the floor, picking up all my art supplies around me. She helped me put everything away before we picked out my dinosaur pajamas. I decided to take a bath without her help. It would've been embarrassing to me if she already saw me naked. 

After a quick bath, I dried my body off and got dressed. My hair, on the other hand, was soaked still. Aria took a towel and towel dried my hair. It was still damp but it was better than it was first. 

"Now for your dinner. How do you feel about chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and peas?" 

I made a face when she said peas. "Everything but the peas." I respond.

"Ok...how about instead of peas, we have corn?"

I actually liked corn so this was fine by me. I nodded as her and I make our way downstairs. I sat down at the table. She asked random things. Like foods I liked, what I didn't like, my favorite movies, books I liked. Really anything. I told her whatever she wanted to know. I didn't know why she wanted to know so much but, it didn't seem like it was for anything bad.

Food was done about 20 or 30 minutes later. Me and Aria ate while sitting in front of the tv. As promised, she even let me have ice cream with sprinkles and whipped cream on top.

We watched tv until 9:35. After, we cleaned the dishes and Aria led me to bed. My eyes felt droopy as she tucked me in.

She rubbed my head as it rested on her thigh. "You're a very sweet boy Ryan." she whispered softly as I smiled.

"You're very nice Aria. And funny and pretty and..." I kept rambling. I don't remember when I fell asleep.

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