14. Night 5 With Aria

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Aria's POV

It's been an entire day. Poor Ryan hasn't came out of his room since we got back from the store yesterday. I feel so stupid. He's my little! I should've been paying attention to him instead of getting caught up with an old friend of mine! Should I even be friends with her anymore? Me and Lesley's friendship has nothing to do with me and Ryan. But at the same time, it would be such a jerk move of me to continue hanging out with Lesley. What should I do?

What am I talking about? Ryan is my baby. My little love. Nothing comes before him. And I'm an idiot for even considering otherwise.

Now, I just had to figure out how to make this right. It had to be something big...no. That's not Ryan. He would rather have something small but meaningful.

I have just the thing.

But it would take a few hours before it was ready.



Yes. I know this is short. But, I really wanted to get a chapter out. The rest of this little moment will be posted in the chapter AFTER next. 

Next chapter will be a Q and A so please send in questions that you have for me. They can be about my life, stories, or current events in the world. Literally, just ask me whatever you want.

I hope you all have had an amazing new years.

I'm trying to focus on my mental health more often, so no promises that chapters will be posted more consistently. Then again, maybe making a schedule will add some order to my life. I'm not going into detail because I don't want my little rant to be longer than the chapter itself. I just want to let you guys know somewhat what's going on with me. 

The question of this chapter is: What's something that you wish would happen everyday?

I wish nothing would happen everyday. Let me explain, I would get tired of say, eating my favorite food all day every day. That same food that I loved would become something I hate. Therefore, I wish nothing would happen everyday. I just want to live in the moment and learn to be happy.

See you guys soon!


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