17. Together With Me, Part 2

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Ryan's POV

That was nearly a week ago that I told Aria that I want to live with her. As well as telling her that I wanted to date when I was big. But we've had to wait to fully confirm the dating when big part. I mean I was occasionally big around her. But it wasn't like we talked a lot while I was. I was usually quiet and too scared to speak around her. I haven't been big in quite a bit of time. Why would I want to be? I know I shouldn't be worried, but I just am. There's still the chance of her saying no...isn't there?

I woke up out of head space that morning. My face was buried into her stomach as my arms were wrapped loosely around her waist. She smelt like roses- or was it raspberries? I don't know. I'm not the best with placing smells. Especially with all the girly perfumes. They all start to smell the same after a while. All I knew is that she smelled great. 

Her arms were wrapped around my shoulders somewhat as her legs were tangled up with mine. I wanted to wake up like this every single day. In fact, I didn't even wanna get up now. 

Before I could help myself, I pressed gentle kisses to her stomach, slowly leading up her body. She stirred slightly as she smiled. "Mmm, Ryan?" 

"Good morning." I said as I made it up to her lips. I kiss her lips gently as my fingers brushed her messy hair behind her ear.

"Good morning." She said smiling. I didn't even have to tell her that I was out of head space. Granted that I didn't have the best times with mornings when I was in head space. But, still. She knew me. Something felt like we had always been like this. Like there were no other girls before her and for her, no other guys before me. 

I didn't even known this type of happiness was possible. Not really. Like when you hear stuff about people falling in love, I quite honestly thought it was a bunch of cow poop. Even with Lesley, I didn't feel this strongly about her. Like yeah, I thought I was in love. But that was an elementary school crush in comparison to this.

I started to pull away from her but, she held onto my arm and gently tugged me back. "Where are you going?" she asked as I smiled. 

"I wanna make breakfast for you. Since you take such good care of me any other day." I explained as she pulled me until I was nuzzled up against her.

"We don't even have anything to cook for breakfast. We can just order something and stay in bed for now."

"I can run to the store or something." I didn't actually have my licence. Back in high school when I was supposed to get it, I ended up failing nearly every bit of my driver's ed class. So I just kinda gave up on it. I mean, I could take the bus or a taxi. Better yet, just catch a ride with a friend to get where I wanted to go. Point is, I don't have my licence and still don't feel the need to get one. 


"Aria." I said softly as I kissed her cheek gently. "I'll be fine. I'll have my phone on me. I'm just running to the store and then I'll be right back with food. Ok?" 

She sighed but slowly gave in. I think that she was worried because she didn't exactly know my triggers yet. This was really one of the only times that she had been with me while I was out of headspace.

"I'll see you in a bit." I smiled before giving Aria another kiss and going to get dressed. I could tell that she was worried but, there was nothing that she should be worried about.


Hi. Sorry for that long disappearance. I am just really struggling a lot lately. I hope to update more regularly soon.

Question for this chapter:  What have you been doing in quarantine to improve your mental health? 

I have been going to the doctor to try some medicines to help me out as well as taking a lot of bubble baths. It's just really relaxing to sit in the tub with my music playing while reading or just thinking about everything. 

Hope you are all safe and taking care of yourselves. Love you guys! And see you in the next chapter.


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