11. Night 3 With Aria

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Aria's POV

I would love nothing more than to let Ryan continue on without any rules. The way he played, the way he got a little too loud whenever he got excited, I loved it. Now, the messes he sometimes left behind, the stomping, huffs of attitude, not so much.

Rules need to be put in place now.

"Ryan, baby. Come here for a minute please." I called from the kitchen table. He came running in with a blanket wrapped around his neck like a cape.

"Look mama! I'm a superhero!" he said grinning widely as he ran up to me.

He was too cute! I smiled and rubbed his head. "You sure are cutie! Now, we need to talk about rules, ok?" I say as I gently place him in the chair next to mine. He almost instantly started to tense up at the mention of rules. I know our last attempts at making rules really didn't work out. He was probably worried it would go the same way as then. I looked down at the paper that I had written my rules down on.

Seeing how nervous this was making him, I turned the paper over so the side with the writing on it was face down. "How about we do this, I'll give you a few minutes to write down any rules that you think we should have. When you're all done, we'll look over both lists and see which rules we want to keep or change. How does that sound?"

Ryan smiled slightly as he nodded. "I guess that would be ok." he said quietly.

I wanted him to be happier so I kinda had to turn up the mommy side of me. "Yeah? Alright then, let's get to it!" I said in a perky tone which made him smile more as he nodded. I kissed his head and ruffled his hair before going to get him a crayon and some paper for him to write down his rules.

He took about 20 minutes to get everything down. I kept having to remind him that he was supposed to be writing down his rules and not drawing pictures at the moment.

Once he finished his list, he handed over the paper. I was expecting things like giving him candy all the time or silly things like that but the rules were actually legit. Some more emotional than others.

1. Don't leave.

2. Talk to me when something's wrong with you.

3. Please don't ignore an issue. I'd rather you tell me and risk me getting upset.

4. Don't keep things from me.

5. If you don't want me, just tell me.

6. I'm here for you too, so don't carry all burdens on your shoulders.

7. Be patient.

8. Love me and I'll love you back.

I smiled softly as I finished reading the rules he had made. He looked nervous as he looked up at me slowly. "Are those ok?" he asked softly.

"All of those rules are wonderful baby." I said softly as I wrap my arms around him in a gentle hug. He relaxed in my arms and nuzzled against me. I could feel his lips curl into a happy little smile.

After a moment, I pulled back and put my hand under his chin, tilting his head up. "Now it's my turn."

He was a lot more comfortable with things now that he knew he had input with my rules so he just gave a little nod. My rules were more, I guess practical? Rather than emotional. 

1. Clean up any messes you make unless it's dangerous (like if you accidentally broke something).

2. Bedtime is at 9 on weekdays, 11 on weekends.

3. Nap time is at 2.

4. No bad words.

5. Always use your manners.

6. No sweets after 6.

7. No skipping meals. 

8. Brush teeth twice a day and bathe at least once.

9. Always tell the truth.

10. Mommy's word is final. No whining.

"Are all those rules fine by you Ryan?" I asked as he laid the paper back down. 

He nodded his head. "Yes mommy." He said smiling as he hugged me. 

I loved him so much. I hugged him back. "Very good. Now with rules we also have to talk about punishments and rewards." 

He was right back to being tense after that. This would take a while.


After about a hour, we finally had all the rules, punishments, and rewards down. They were written very nicely on a little contract that we had written up and taped on the door of both our shared room and the other room (the other room is mainly Ryan's playroom but can also be used as a room for Ryan to sleep in whenever he wants).

"See? That wasn't so bad, now was it?" I asked as he smiled and shook his head. He was much better now. 

"Now that all that boring stuff is done, why don't we play a game?"

That really got him to smile.


Hey guys!

Our question for this chapter is: What's your favorite book to read with your dom/little?

I don't have a dom at the moment. Or a little (I'm a switch) but my favorite book to read in little space is Are You My Mother by Dr. Seuss. It was a book that I always remember having when I was younger and it just made me happy.

See you in the next chapter guys! It may be both Aria and Ryan's POV.


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