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When I woke up the next day, I felt around for my pillow, assuming it had just fallen onto the floor. I sit up a little bit to see I wasn't even in my bed anymore. I was on the couch. "Well look at who's finally awake." I hear a soft voice say,

I turn to see Aria sitting at my feet. I can't help the light blush that starts to creep onto my cheeks. "Where's Keren? And why am I on the couch?" I ask her softly.

"Well Keren had to go handle some stuff and she wanted me to talk to you. And, I thought it would be better for you to get out of your room." Aria explained, never once sounding nervous or worried.

I nodded as I played with my toes. Aria looked at me, an obvious question picking at her mind. For some reason, she wouldn't ask it though. She instead said "So Keren tells me you're a little. I haven't seen very many toys around here."

I look down sadly. "I'm not a little anymore... My m-...old mommy doesn't want me anymore." I tell her softly.

She shakes her head. "That's where you're wrong sweet pea. You're a little as long as you want to be, regardless of if you have a mommy or not." 

I felt my eyes slowly start to well up with tears. Before I knew it, Aria had pulled me into a sweet hug and was rubbing my back. I cried into her neck. The first time I had a real cry since that horrible night. "It hurts so bad." I whimper.

"I know, I know. It'll hurt for a while honestly. But, one day you'll feel better and you'll find someone who really wants to be your mommy and care for you. Whatever reason your old mommy kicked you out, it doesn't matter anymore. That was her mistake." Aria said softly as she held me.

I continued to cry until all my tears were gone. Aria tilted my head up and gently wiped my soaked cheeks. "Now, those tears that you just let out, are the last ones that you'll spill over your old mommy. She isn't worth your sadness nor your happiness. So don't shed another tear over her again." she said sternly but, at the same time with a loving tone.

I nodded as I sniffed a little bit, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. She scrunched her nose up playfully as she picked me up. "Gross,  wiping your nose is what tissue is for." She said as she carried me into the bathroom.

I was very surprised by her carrying me and I guess she sensed that because, she put me down. But, the odd thing was that I didn't want her to. I shifted my weight from foot to foot. "Come on, let's wash your hands off and then wipe your nose properly, with a tissue." 

I wanted to ask her to carry me again but, I was too scared that she would call me needy and leave. So, I followed behind her and she helped me wash my hands in the sink. After drying my hands, she got some tissue and wiped my nose carefully.

I could really get used to this treatment.

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