9. Night 1 With Aria Part 2

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Just as I finished packing, I could hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. I went down to answer it, smiling a bit when I saw Aria. I just realized this was the first time she'd be seeing me out of headspace while I was actually functioning. This was nerve-wracking. Even more so than being little in front of her.

Keren must've told her already that I was big because she didn't have the same "mommy" look in her eyes. Like she knew that she didn't need to take care of me at the moment. It was weird.

"Hey Ryan," she said with a smile.

I swear that my heart melted. I don't know how but her normal talking voice, not the voice she used when babying me, was even better than her baby voice. I found myself getting a little shy and I felt stupid, to tell the truth. I am a grown man (at times)! Why is she affecting me like this?

I looked at her smile and that easily answered my question. "Hey, Aria." I finally managed to say.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked as she motioned towards the bag that rested on the floor next to me. Part of me was surprised. Like I thought she wouldn't want me to come if I weren't in headspace. I know it was dumb to think like that but I couldn't help it. I nodded. "I'll take my bag to the car. Keren is on the couch, talking to some new guy." When I said that, me and Aria exchanged knowing looks. We both then let out a laugh before turning and heading in our separate directions. Aria inside, and me to the car.

It felt like I had known Aria for years and I felt amazing. Much better than I did with my old mommy. I didn't feel like an annoyance, I felt important, and I felt loved.

I kinda had to make myself calm down a bit as I was already talking about love and whatnot. But that's just what she did to me. And I was loving it.

I put my bag into the back seat and glanced around a little bit. It was very clean. I was almost afraid to touch anything. Hanging from the rearview mirrors was a small charm of a dog print. I looked closer and noticed an engravement.


I rubbed the charm gently before going back inside after closing the door to the car. Aria and Keren were talking a little bit and I quite honestly couldn't tell you what they were talking about. I zoned out.

When I finally zoned back in, Keren and Aria were hugging and saying goodbye to each other.

I stood up and hugged Keren as she gave me a gentle squeeze. "Be good. I'm ready to get rid of you," she said playfully as I laughed a little. She wasn't really. She was just happy that I found someone and wanted me to be happy.

"You be good too. I won't be gone for very long so don't rent out my room." I said in the same joking tone.

She laughed and shook her head before giving us both another hug and letting us go.

The ride to Aria's was an iffy one. It probably would've seemed long if I had been in headspace. Luckily I wasn't so it was bearable.

We pulled up to a nice apartment complex. After I got my bag, Aria led me to her apartment. As she opened the door, I was hit with a beam of sunshine.

Not literally.

But, the entire apartment was bright and full of life. The walls alternated between yellow and white in the perfect way. A yellow rug rested under a sleek white coffee table that was placed in front of a manila colored couch. It just screamed Aria.

"I know it's not much but-"

I didn't even let her finish that sentence. "It's beautiful," I said smiling.

I looked back at her and she smiled even more. I think the room got even brighter.


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is a little on the shorter side. I just didn't want to have 15 different parts to just the 1st night soooo I'm kinda ending the 1st night here since it'll only be boring getting adjusted stuff.

I'll provide more details in the next chapter so it's a cleaner transition.


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