12. Night 4 With Aria

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Aria's POV

When I woke up, Ryan was cuddled up under my body. It was crazy how small he was. So cute and adorable. I could stay like this all day with him. But, I needed to make breakfast before he woke up. I gently kissed his forehead before gently moving myself away from him. He whined and reached for me until I slid a pillow into his arms. After which, he settled down and nuzzled against it.

I smile and carefully move off of the bed before making my way into the kitchen. I check in the fridge and cabinets. Nothing to cook. I sigh. I really had been slacking on my house work since Ryan got here. Not like it was on purpose or anything. Ryan's just so cute and sweet that it was easy to kinda just forget. 

I look towards our room. I couldn't just leave Ryan. What if he woke up and saw that I was gone? Poor guy would probably think that I just abandoned him or something. Of course I would never do that to him but still. I didn't want to wake him. But I had to.  

I went back to our room and gently brushed his hair back out of his face. "Baby, time to wake up. We gotta go to the store and get something to make for breakfast, ok?" 

He grumbled a little bit before rolling over so his face was buried against the pillows. "Nuh.." he muttered.

I chuckle a little bit. "Yes Ryan. We need to go get some yum yums." I said as I rubbed my nose against his slightly exposed cheek.

He pretended to be grumpy still but he couldn't hide his little smile from me. "Come on. If you get up now, maybe I could find some room in the cart for you to get a snack. Something sweet like-"

"POCKY!" he cheered excitedly, perking right back up. I don't know what it was but he loved Pocky to pieces. 

"Yes. Yes. We can get pocky." I said with a little chuckle. "But, only if you get up right now and get some shoes on."

He rolled out of bed, causing a little thump to sound throughout the room. He stood up and stretched his arms up until his little belly showed. "Okie mommy! I'm ready!" He said as he rubbed his eyes. Wish I had this sort of energy in the mornings. I reached over and rubbed his head before getting up and sliding some leggings on. I put a hoodie on Ryan and helped him with his shoes before we made our way to the car.

The entire way there, Ryan was humming along to the radio. I only ever left it on the kid's station when he was in the car with me and in little space. 

Soon we arrived at the store. Ryan walked with his hand on my arm as I pushed the cart around. I know he was only being so calm because he was trying to get to pocky faster but I didn't mind. 

After our cart was full, Ryan started to pull my arm. "Let's go get pocky now mommy. Please please please??" He said as he started to bounce and pull on my arm.

I let out a little laugh. "Ok. Let's go." I said as I started to head towards the pocky isle. 

Ryan started to skip and hop the entire way. At least until we got to the end of the isle. I didn't understand why. 

By the time I got a chance to look down at him and ask what was wrong, I heard someone call my name. "Aria! I thought that was you!" My old friend, Lesley, walked over to me with a basket hanging on her arm.

"Ah, Les! I haven't seen you since graduation! How are you?" I asked as I hugged her.


I ignored Ryan for a moment. I knew I shouldn't have but I haven't seen Lesley for years. It would only take a second. 

"I'm doing pretty well. I've-"

"Mama."I felt a hard yank on my sleeve.

"Ryan, please." I huff a little bit. I felt the pressure release from my arm. 

I felt bad but I figured he was just a little grumpy still. He had just woken up not too long ago. 

"I should get going. Maybe I could talk to you and your little sometime soon. Just shoot me a message on Insta whenever you wanna meet up." She said smiling before walking off with a wave.

I wave back. But how did she know Ryan was my little? I never mentioned it. I didn't even mention I was a mommy and Ryan had whispered every time he had said mommy. 

Speaking of which, I should make sure he was ok. I looked down at him to see his entire face bright red, tears rushing down his face. 

Oh no..


And that's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed! 

The question for this chapter is: What's your favorite candy/treat?

Mine is pocky. I just started eating it recently and I love it to pieces. My favorite is the strawberry one. Although I do like the cookies and cream one as well.


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