6. That Night

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Aria and I stayed like this for a while. She ended up playing with my fingers after I started to hold her hand. She just did silly things ranging from pretending to eat my fingers to kissing over my knuckles. Eventually, all of this led to her poking my sides all over. 

I giggled. "Mommmy! That tickles!" I let slip out. I wanted to take it back. What if she thought I was being clingy already? I couldn't have that.

But.... she didn't look like it bothered her at all. She chuckled before rubbing my cheek. "You're such a silly boy. You know that?" she asked as I nod my head proudly. I liked being a silly boy. I liked being praised.

Aria chuckled before making me sit up. She was smiling but something in her eyes said we were about to have a very serious talk. I started to chew on my bottom lip.

She gently held my hand in hers. "Have you been feeling better since we met? About that woman I mean."

I nodded. She meant my old mommy. It feels weird referring to her like that. Her kicking me out seemed like it was so long ago. It's to the point that I hardly think about her anymore. I even told Aria that. That seemed to make her smile.

"That's good. It was really hard for Keren to see you so upset like that. Do you want to be someone's little again?" she asked as she tilted her head slightly. 

Once again I nodded. Her little to be specific. Aria was amazing. She was so sweet, caring, compassionate. Just all around great.

"Well, I have been searching for a little for a while. What do you think about becoming mine?"

I blinked for a moment. I wasn't sure I heard that right. "Me? Be your little?" I asked. 

Aria smiled as she nodded. I looked into her eyes. She didn't seem to be joking or just making fun of me. Hesitantly, I nodded my head. She noticed the way that I hesitated and gently put her hands on my cheeks. 

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I know I haven't really known you that long and it's kinda a lot at one time. Tell you what, I'll give you a week. You can spend a few nights with me as a sort of trial period. At the end of the week, you can decide if you really want to be my little. Deal?" 

A week? Staying at Aria's place without Keren? This was a lot of information at one time. But it made me feel better. She wasn't going to pressure me to say yes. I started to smile as I nodded again. This time, feeling a lot more sure of myself. "I'd like that." I say softly before hugging her.

She smiled as she hugged me back. "I'd like that too. And even if you don't decide to be my little, I will always be here for you. All you have to do is call me."

The fact that she could promise me that sent my heart into a tizzy. This week was going to be great.

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