Is This Love?

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Hey guys, was the last chapter bad or something, because I received fewer votes, reads and comments than usual. Please tell me if there's a problem. Anyway, this is currently at: 469 reads, 23 votes and 24 comments! Thank you for all the support; I love you all so much! There's no smut here, and it's not my best work, sorry if it's bad :(

If you don't mind, go over to my Tumblr and tell/ask me anything about this fic. I'll love you so much if you do! My blog's name's in my profile if you want to check it out!

IMPORTANT!!! Read A/N at the end!



I woke up to see Max's back facing me, which was an unusual sight. Normally, he would be facing me, or at the very least lying on this back so that I could see his side. Something was up.

"Morning Maxie." I said, kissing his tattooed shoulder.

In a monotonic voice, he answered, "Morning."

That got me worried. "What's the matter?"

With his back still towards me, he said, "Nothing."


Sighing, he turned to face me, his eyes filled with worry. "It's just... We've been together for three going-on four weeks, and all we do is sex."

I smirked. "What, you don't like it?"

His face turns red. Shifting his gaze, he coughed awkwardly, answering, "That's... that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want this relationship to just be about sex."

"It's not."

"Then why haven't we gone on a date?"

A date? My eyes widened in surprise, but soon they softened and I smiled. "Well then, Max George, will you go out on a date with me tonight?"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, now you ask?"

"Give me a break! I'm the one asking you!"

"Okay, okay." He pressed a soft kiss on my lips. "I will."

"Awesome." I returned his kiss, pulling him into my arms. "Now, can I get some more sleep, because they were really loud yesterday night and the walls here are thin."

"Well, at least they're official now. Good for them."

"Yeah, but you think they wouldn't be so freakin loud. I'm sure the entire floor heard them."

"Everyone's loud for their first time." He brushed a hand along the side of my face. "You were practically screaming when we did it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and you were Mr Completely Silent. I pretty sure my whole apartment building knows my name now."

"Do not judge me."

Laughing, I pulled him into a deep kiss. "You are still so fucking adorable."


After all of us had woken up, we were all dragged into a song-writing and recording session. While the other three were recording vocals, Max and I were stuck with song-writing. Humming, I glanced at him. He was deep in concentration, scribbling lyric after lyric on paper. I smiled at how hardworking he was before returning to my writing. I looked at my paper which, instead of lyrics, was filled with sketches of Max and doodles of both our names. Turned out I was absentmindedly doodling the entire time.

I blushed in embarrassment before grabbing another sheet of paper, making sure it covered the first piece. As I did so, I heard Max move from his seat and creep up behind me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and asked, "What are you doing?"

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