In The Rain

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Sorry this took so long, had a lot stuff to do, but now it's finally here! This will be the last chapter before the epilogue. It makes me sad to have to end this story, but happy because I'm giving it a really nice ending! Hope you like this fluffy, sweet ending! Don't worry, there will still be an epilogue, coming out real soon! 

Enjoy! Read, comment and vote!


I stared at myself in the mirror.  I was in a beautifully tailored tux that felt amazing to the touch. My hair was perfectly styled, not a strand out of place. 

I couldn't believe it. Today was the day.

There was a knock on the door and when I turned, Siva was poking his head from behind.

"You okay mate?" He asked, stepping into the room.

"Yeah." I smiled, taking a seat. "Just... it's kinda hard to believe."

"Why would it be? You and Max love each other. Of course you guys are getting married."

"I know. It's just a little overwhelming right now."

He walked over, placing a calming hand on my shoulder. "You have every right to be, but once you're there, standing at the altar with him, all your fears will be gone, because..."

"Because nothing else matters. As long as we're together, everything will be okay."



I paced back and forth, trying to memorise my vows. Every time I tried, I remembered less and less. The paper had already been crumpled and folded hundreds of times, looking completely messed.

"Nervous?" I looked up to see Jay walk in, a big grin on his face.

"Of course," I said, sitting down.

"You shouldn't be. It's your wedding day. You should be happy and blissful."

"I know, but..." I sighed, running a hand over my head. "What if it isn't perfect? We spent months planning this. What if something goes wrong?"

"So what if it does? Tom wouldn't care. He doesn't need perfect. He just needs you."

"I know that, but this is such an important thing and I'm afraid that something's gonna screw it up."

"Then we'll make it work. You two deserve this; after all you've been through. This is your day. Enjoy it."

I smiled at him. "I will."


A slight breeze had picked up, blowing the orange and gold leaves over the trimmed grass. The altar was set up in the middle of the field, brilliant white lilies strung around it. A white carpet was rolled down the centre, both sides lined with wooden benches.

Everyone was there. Family, friends, even the more famous ones were dressed for the special occasion, seated and chattering among themselves, excited for the ceremony to start.

Soon, the wedding march started playing. People stood up and turned towards the back, looking expectantly at the huge double doors.

They opened, and the first to appear was Nathan. He was the ring boy, and was walking down the aisle with a cushion in his hand, on top of which laid two identical silver rings.

He was followed by Siva and Jay, who were Tom and Max's best man respectively. They smiled at each other, looking very much in love. The way they looked, they could have been the ones getting married.

Finally, the main couple walked out, looking absolutely amazing. Tom had his hand in the crook of Max's arm, sticking close to one another. As they walked, they looked at each other, only turning away to smile and wave at the guests.

Once they reached the altar, the minister started his speech. All the while, the two of them stared into each other's eyes, seeming like the only people there.

"... They will now exchange their vows."

Max started first. "Tom, we've know each other for 7 years and been together for 4 of them. Ever since we started, I told myself that if we ever got married, I would promise a few things. One, I'll never doubt our love. Two, I'll never forgot how we ever got together. Three, I'll never leave you. And fourth, I'll love you forever."

"Max, I remember the time when I nearly lost you, how scared I felt. I never wanna feel that way again, and I have to make sure of it. I promise to never take you for granted, to never forget you, to always stay true to you and to always love you, no matter what."

The minister looked to Max. "Will you, Maximillian Alberto George, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do you part?"

"Of course I do." Max smiled, slipping the ring onto Tom's finger.

"Will you, Thomas Anthony Parker, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do you part?"

"Hell yeah I do!" Tom grinned, sliding the silver band onto Max's finger.

The minister smiled at the two of them. "Now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."

Once that was said, Nathan, Siva and Jay ran to the side, picked up microphones and started singing Lightning, happy for their friends.

Tom and Max moved in closer to one another. Their lips were about to kiss when suddenly...

BOOM! The sudden thunder shocked them apart, and before they knew it, it started pouring.

The guests were running to shelter, trying to shield themselves from the rain. The two of them, however, stood there, getting completely drenched.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

When your lip touch mine, it's the kiss of life

I know, I know that's it a little bit frightening

We might as well be playing with lightning

In the pouring rain, with the sun setting behind them, they kissed.

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