I Can't Lose You

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I'm super sorry for the long wait! I had a school camp, and the new school year just started. I'm getting busier, so I might not be updating as frequently. Sorry for the long waits in advance!

Anyway, this story has gone up from 600+ read to 800! Thank you all so much for the love and support!

Heads up, major feels in this chapter, and in the next one too. You might feel like killing me for this chapter, but please don't! Remember, you can head over to Tumblr to comment on this!

Vote/Comment! Enjoy!


I had my head buried in my hands, tears streaming down my face. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't. It felt like a dream, but it wasn't. It was a horrible nightmare, one that was really happening.

"MAX!" I ran over to his limp body. I crouched over him, tilting his head so that I could see his face. His temple had a huge gash, bleeding all along the side of his head. 

"Oh my God, Max! Max, wake up!" I was hyperventilating. Max couldn't die. I wouldn't know what to do without him. "Come on, wake up!"

"Someone call an ambulance!" I shouted to the people standing around. My face was dripping with tears, blurring my vision. I shook Max's shoulders, willing him to wake up. "Please, Max..."

I pressed my ear against his chest, the spot where I rest my head on when we sleep together. I expected to hear the solid beating of his heart like I usually do, but this time, there's only silence.

All my hope was lost, until I heard one slight beat. I listened intently, and sure enough, his heart was beating. Faint and barely existent, but it was beating.

I cradled his head in my lap, not caring about the blood. I rested my forehead against his, whispering and praying. "Wake up. Please wake up. Don't you dare leave."

The ambulance arrived a minute later. The medics had to pry me off him before they could get him onto a stretcher. They loaded him into the ambulance, me getting on as well. Throughout the entire ride, I had his lifeless hand in mine. I grabbed it so tight that all the feeling was gone from my hand, but I didn't care. I just had to give him something to hold on to. Something that he could cling on to in the real world.

It seemed like a thousand years before we reached the hospital. Max was immediately rushed into the emergency room. I tried following him in, but the nurses stopped me.

"You have to let me go in! Please!" I begged them. I couldn't afford to let him out of my sight.

"Sir, I know you're upset, but you can't go in. The doctors will do their best, I promise. So please sit down and rest."

Knowing that my persistence would be futile, I dropped onto one of the chairs. As soon as I did, the tears rushed back, rolling down my face...

That was almost an hour ago, and the doctors were still in the emergency room. Why hadn't they come out yet? Was it too late?

Out of tears, I was silently sobbing. Through my crying, I heard footsteps run up to me. I didn't have to look up to see who it was.

"What happened?" asked Siva, concern written all over his face.

I didn't answer. The boys sat around me. Jay started rubbing my back, calmness in his voice. "Just tell us what happened Tom."

"It's all my fault!" I cried out. "I chased him down the street. There was this car and he pushed me out of the way. He got hit and now..." I couldn't continue, because I didn't know the end.

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