The Ring For Your Hand

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So, this will be second last chapter. This story is finally reaching it's ending. The next one will be the last, and possibly an epilogue of some sort. 

Thank you guys so much, you are the best readers in the world! This story has reached 2,000+ reads and 75 votes! I love you guys, really you are the best.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It's inspired by season 6 episodes 24 & 25 of Friends. I'm not gonna tell you what they're about because it would be a total spoiler for this chapter! (Even though the title is a dead giveaway) Enjoy!


"Why did you call us here?" 

I looked at Jay, Siva and Nathan sitting in front of me on the sofa. We were in my apartment, and Tom wasn't there because he was at the studio recording. Perfect timing.

I smiled at them. "I'm gonna propose to Tom."

Their faces lit up with excitement. "Finally!"

"Took you long enough!"

"The poor boy's been waiting for years."

I shifted my gaze, feeling a little guilty for waiting so long. "I know, but I know that now's the time to do it." It had been almost four whole years since Tom and I had gotten together. I told him that we would get married in our own time, and now, I was going to take control of that.

Jay leaned forward. "So... how are ya going to do it?"

"I'm not sure exactly." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling stupid that I didn't have any proper plans. "I wanna make it really nice; a surprise."

"He's been waiting long enough, mate. I don't think he cares about how special it is. He just wants you to ask him." Siva told me, friendly and calming.

"Yeah, well, I haven't even gotten a ring, so... Jay, you're coming with me to find the perfect one, while Seev and Nath: you guys keep Tom busy and make sure he doesn't find out."

"Yes, sir!" Nathan laughed. He rested a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. Everything will go just fine."

I really hoped so, because it had to be perfect.


"Ugh..." I groaned, plopping down onto one of the chairs by the counter. "They're all so amazing, but they're not... the one."

"Calm down, this is only the second shop. There're plenty more, come on." Jay pulled me up, pushing me into another jewellery store.

For the past two hours, we had been going through almost every single ring in the two stores we had been in. Price was no matter to me, so I was open to all types and sizes of rings, but it hadn't mattered because none of them was the perfect one.

We walked into the third store and immediately started scanning through all the rings. I had almost looked through an entire display case until I spotted it. It was in the middle of the case, standing beautiful and bright. It was simple silver band with a line of small diamonds running along the centre. The diamond in the centre of the ring was the biggest, amazingly cut and stunningly clear.

"This is it." I breathed out, just loud enough that Jay could hear me. 

"It's beautiful. He will love it."

I waved the sales assistant over, telling her that I was gonna buy it. She told me the price and I could already feel a hole burning through my wallet, but I didn't care. It was the perfect one and nobody was gonna stop me.

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