Wet And Wild

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Love you all so much for the comments and votes and reads! Can't thank you enough! Currently, this story is at 362 reads, 17 votes and 16 comments! I have a feeling I know why there's such a big increase (you pervs)

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Rated R or Mature for smut. Enjoy!


Waking up, I felt somebody warm in my arms, cuddling next to me. Rubbing my eyes, I swivelled my head to find Tom peacefully asleep on my bare chest. His soft snoring and the smile on his lips made him look like an angel; the minimal sunlight illuminating a halo on his head.

Slowly, I inched out of the bed, trying my best to not wake him, but as soon as my arm moved away, he grabbed it, stopping me.

"Don't go," he mumbled. "It's still early. Just stay here with me... hold me."

"I will, but at least you gotta let me put on me boxers, mate. I'm getting a little chilly."

Unwillingly, he let go of my arm, but not before he added, "Be quick alright?"

I kissed his temple and whispered, "I will." Slipping out of the covers and off the bed, I went searching for my boxers, which were hanging on a lamp by the bedroom door.

As soon as I got them on, I crawled into bed behind him, my arms instantly wrapping around his midsection, pulling his bare back against me.

He snuggled into my grasp. Placing kisses on his tanned shoulder, I said, "Morning babe."

Still half asleep, he mumbled, "What are doing up so early?"

I glanced at the clock, which read: '9:05' "It's already 9; getting pretty late to still be asleep."

"9 is still early for me, so be a good boy and lie here with me quietly while I sleep."

Chuckling, I kissed the back of his head before shutting my eyes, enjoying the silence and our closeness.

Moments of yesterday night replayed in my head. It was amazing, what happened last night. Me and Tom, our first time... it couldn't have gone any better.

I didn't know what came over me. I knew he wanted it; I did too, but not so soon. Maybe it was the make out session, or maybe it was just seeing him on stage being all perfect, but I couldn't wait. I had to do it, if I waited any longer, I would burst from the sexual frustration.

It was so serene, just the two of us lying quietly next to each other, with nothing bothering us. Cradling him in my arms, I was close to falling asleep when...

RING!!! My phone went off, blasting my ringtone.

Through gritted teeth, Tom groaned. "Fuck..."

I jumped out of the bed, heading into the living room to get my phone. I grabbed my pants off the sofa and fished it out of the pocket. The screen read: 'Jay'.

I walked back to the bedroom before I answered, finding Tom throwing a pillow over his head to block out the sound. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I picked up the call. "Hey, Jay, what's up?"

Under his pillow, Tom complained, "Ask him what he wants and why does it have to be so early in the freaking morning!"

I shushed him, making sure Jay couldn't hear him from the other end. "Do you want him to know what we did last night?"

I sensed Tom roll his eyes before grabbing the pillow tighter around his head. I went back to talking to Jay. "So, what's with the call?"

"I figured that since we have the day off, the five of us should hang out. Some basketball maybe?"

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