Took Long Enough

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Thank you guys for all the reads and votes and comments. They mean so much!

This is kind of a filler chapter, some Jiva for you all. Hope you like it!



I was lying when I said I was prepared to tell him the truth. If I was, I wouldn't be standing a couple of feet away, terrified of even talking to him. It seemed easy enough in my head: walk up to him and tell him what I feel. It sounded so simple, but it was completely different when I had to put it into action. Truth be told, I had never felt so nervous before in my life.

"James McGuiness, you can do this. Don't be a wimp, just walk up there and tell him." Talking to myself seemed like a good way to calm myself down, but it made it worse.

"Mate, you alright?" Tom walked up beside me, with Max doing the same.

"Yeah, I just..." I ran a hand through my hair. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can," Max said with assurance. "Look what happened when I did the same."

"Easy for you to say, it turned out good because Tom over here liked you back. How the bloody heck do I know what he feels? And why do I have to tell him now? Can't I tell him later?"

"No you can't. If you tell him now, at least he'll have the rest of the day to think about it. And Siva, being his usual old self, won't react too badly. He won't go all crazy when he hears it."

Tom and Max both pushed me in the direction of Siva. "Go!" Max patted me on the back. "A deal's a deal remember? And I know it won't end badly... trust me."

I sighed, making my way over to the man who was about to know my secret. God, why did I make that stupid deal?

"Hey, Seev, could I talk to you for a minute?" Incredibly, I managed to speak, even with all my energy spent on resisting the urge to run away.

"Sure." With that smooth Irish accent, I could have fainted, but pulling myself together, I walked over to a corner of the room, him trailing behind me.

Taking a deep breath, I told him, "Siva, I like you."

"Aww, I like you too Jay," He said with a million-watt smile.

Damn it, he didn't understand. Shaking my head, I said, "No, Seev, I mean... I like you... a lot."

Emphasising on the word 'like' seemed to get it through. It took him a second to understand I meant, his eyes widening at the realisation. "Oh..."

"Okay, look, I've liked you for quite a while now, and I've decided to tell you. I never planned out how I would tell you this, or thought of how you would react, but I had to do it anyway. I like you Siva, and I'm not denying it. I can't get you out of my head and everything I think of always leads to you.

"I know you'll need time to think this through, so that's what I'm giving you. Can I get an answer from you by the end of the day? If you don't, I think that pretty much clears it up."

Still with a shocked expression on his face, he coughed awkwardly and said, "Umm... yeah... sure."

"Thanks and... I'm sorry for just laying it out there." I quickly walked off before he could say anything else.

Oh my god, what the hell did just do? I just confessed to him! And I gave him a deadline! A bloody deadline! Who the hell does that? Oh god, he's going to hate me...

"So, how did it go?" Max questioned me the minute I reached them.

"Badly." I collapsed onto a couch. "I didn't even give him a chance to react before I told him to give me an answer by tonight! Why the hell did I do that? I am such a twat."

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